Chapter 8- And It Begins

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Royal Pain

"Alright, let's get this going before we all decide to leave." Jerald shouted to the crowd of people. Jerald began herding people to their correct positions. "Alright Queen Lily we are ready for you." Down the aisle came Lily with her practice flowers since her actual bouquet wouldn't be in until tomorrow.

Lily made her way to the alter and the bishop ran through all that would happen. No one wanted to practice, as to keep their vows a surprise, so we were done by noon. "Madeline, you will then say some things at the reception and then we can boogie all night long." Jerald said doing a small dance to emphasize boogieing. Madeline waited for everyone to leave before approaching Lily with the question. But before she could ask Lily asked her a question.

"So Madeline, your new thoughts on the Leighton Kingdom?" Lily asked smiling as Clemen joined in on the conversation. Madeline embarrassed said, "My original thoughts have changed from seven years ago." Clemen laughed and said, "Well that was when my father was in charge. He was not truly fit to be king now was he." Both girls laughed and Madeline left the ballroom to go back to her room.

Madeline spent her days sitting alone. But she decided for a change to browse her old bookshelf to see what she could find. As she removed a book to reread it, a small, torn book fell where she removed one. Madeline pulled it out to see that it was her old journal from ages ago. Since she befriended more of the castle workers, Madeline didn't ever need to write down her feelings.

Madeline skimmed through the pages read the headers of each.
Eggs and No!
The New Kingdom.
Lily and I
Of Course I'm Normal
The Little Boy Down The Road
Towels... More More More!
The Door

Madeline read the last few headers over again to herself. That was the day she saw the door with the lady and two bodies. Madeline looked at the date to see that The Door was exactly seven years ago on this same day. Madeline realized that she wasn't seeing things. There has been multiple occasions where she peered into the door.

Trust me I know what I saw, and I don't forget easy maybe if I ju-
Madeline's thoughts were cut short by a knock on her balcony door. Madeline moved the curtains to see Michael standing holding is now leafy, and dirty jacket. "Sorry," Madeline said opening the door "I thought you just left me so I threw it over my balcony."

"Yeah no I thought you magically got to your bed so I left the note here." Michael said dropping his jacket on the floor of her room. The two stood a far distance away. There was no reason to feel awkward but, for some reason both felt it. "Hey, there is a huge festival going on in our Kingdom tonight. May I ask you to accompany me to it?" Michael said holding out his arm, breaking any tension.

Madeline smiled, "Of course I would."


Sorry kind of a filler chapter so I could move to a new subject..... I'm excited... you? No? Just me? Alright then.......


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