CH 21: Opposing Outcomes

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   [ Chances Were High, But Never Perfect ]

In certain instances, people have little to no clue for feeling the way they do. They may act and presume that it was what they intended, yet, something like a feeling of opposition comes creeping up unwanted.

They may had been accurate in calculating their feelings, but in the course of it, find themselves being mistaken.

The same way Jeonghan had presumed that all that he had meant with the kiss was to make her shut up.

His gaze remained unmoving on her the whole time; the way her lips froze beneath the sudden contact of his own, and how her eyes narrowed from the frown of her brows, sinking them.

He moved his lips against her's in one swift motion, pouring all that he had felt at that moment, then the opposition came, of which made him pull away that stole all that he ever had to do so. He never meant to feel that way; to have the hefty urge to trail his hand on her back and have her even more closer, to kiss her more than he had done and to just stare at her face while he did so,

It was the opposition.

Raki found herself lie awake on her bed later that night. The time was beyond her knowledge, but she was aware of how dead it was in the night.

Though exhausted and drowsy, her unceasing thoughts kept her up. All that she had known at that very much fascinating night, they were all enough to make her last the night without putting her mind to rest.

There was Victoria, a classmate back when she was in college, and it couldn't seem to just pass by without her acknowledging the way Jeonghan looked at her, and there was Seungcheol, someone whom she once admired, and so happened to have been Jeonghan's older brother.

They were just people in the past, faint and forgotten, not until she knew that they had significant connections with Jeonghan; his close friend and his older brother, those relationships weren't mere, needless to say.

Raki placed an arm on her forehead. A girl running through the rain. She knew that occurences like those could happen to people a lot, but the situation was exceptionally aligning; the rain, a little before graduation, frantic and was crying.

She had tried so hard to forget that piece of her memory, yet having him recall it for her and tell it in so much detail, it just couldn't seem to flee off her mind.

She turned her body around and planted her face on a pillow that was of reach. Her mind was hopping from one scenario to another, she reckoned that by the time the sun had risen, she would already have gone through all the things that had happened that night.

There was the unknown, sudden confession of protection. There was the offering of his hand for her to hold. There was the conversation, at the balcony, in his room, and everywhere, every word he spoke engraved in the depths of her mind. .

And there was the kiss, and came along the regret, yet profoundness of feelings. She wouldn't be able to forget about it, like how she thought the moment it happened, just like the first time.

That was what he meant to her at that point, for everything he does and every word he spoke she will remember.

Several days had gone by, even the day where he would usually ask her to have dinner with his parents, all elapsed and she had always come to think of how nice it would be to hear his voice and talk to him again, like how they always did for long stretches of time.

Perhaps, he had other important matters to deal with, busy with things that weren't of her concern, however, as much as she didn't want to think that way, she couldn't help but assume that he was avoiding her, for reasons that she wasn't sure of herself.

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