Fairy Godmother

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Fairy Godmother is one of the main characters of the Disney Channel Original Movie, Descendants. She is one of the heroes and she is also the mother of Jane. She is the headmistress of Auradon Prep. She accepts the children of the Isle of the Lost into Auradon Prep and teaches them Remedial Goodness 101 lessons.

Fairy Godmother is played by Melanie Paxson.


In the television movie, the Fairy Godmother is played by Melanie Paxson. She is the headmistress of Auradon Prep and has a daughter named Jane who is shy and insecure but fascinated with magic, even if she doesn't let her daughter use it. When the descendants of the heroes' sworn enemies come to Auradon, they have been tasked by their parents to steal her magic wand. The Fairy Godmother teaches "Remedial Goodness" to the villain kids to teach them how to be good.

Despite her younger appearance in the film, Cruella refers to her as "old bat".

Descendants 2

During the beginning scene, she chases away the press from Ben and Mal. They thank her and she disappears. She is heard planning the Royal Cotillion with Jane on the phone on multiple occasions.

At the cotillion, she asks Jane to help out with the punch bowl but is surprised and excited to find out she has a date. She reacts touched and happy when she finds out it is Carlos De Vil, exclaiming: "Bippity boppity!"

Later, Ben and Uma ask her rather forcefully to shut down the Isle of the Lost's barrier but she refuses, knowing that Ben is cursed along with being appalled by both letting loose all of the captured villains and Uma's rudeness. After Uma is defeated and Ben's spell is broken, she takes in Mal's spellbook and starts celebrating with Lumiere.


Fairy Godmother is a wise, kind, and accepting teacher at Auradon Prep school. She accepted Ben's proclamation of giving the new generation a chance. She tried her best to be patient with them and even gave them the opportunity to speak to their parents. She also tried to defend them on family day and trusted Mal to give her back the wand, being extremely proud when she and the other VKs did so and turned good. She can be strict especially with her daughter. She has given up magic and believes it is what is in the inside that counts. Jane mentions her mother believes the true magic comes from knowledge and books. Despite having given up on magic, she gets annoyed when the villains insult her magic.


Fairy Godmother has short, dark brown hair and is often seen in a short-sleeved formal blue shirt, with golden buttons and a shirt collar. She has a blue necklace and a velvet, bow that matches the bow of the animated Fairy Godmother in the animated Disney movie Cinderella.

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