3: Core

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" May I check your qi first to know if you have a golden core or if you still need to develop it." He said and check my qi.

After checking he looked at me bewildered.

Why what's wrong?

Can I not make a golden core like Jiang Yanli?

"Your golden core..... Your spiritual energy in your dantian is...."


" What?! What is wrong with my golden core?" I asked worriedly.

" Is not there?... But you have a silver vein that allows spiritual energy to flow into your body... You are the person in the Lan An prophecy. The woman who will come to make things right. You can also predict future according to the legends." Lan Xichen said surprising me.

" What prophecy? Also I can't predict all the happening in the future but I can do sense that something bad is too happen. I also want to change what I saw in my dream about a person from the YunmengJiang's." I said. I called it a dream just to avoid suspicion. I can't tell him I'm from the future.

" Maybe your dream tell something about the future and that is how you can predict what is to happen. But I can't believe you are so powerful. Don't worry I won't tell anyone. It is for your safety." He told me.

" Well I'm really new to this cultivation things I hope my handsome cousin will help me with it. And as for my prediction skills I want to test it." I said with a little smirk for the second statement.

" I hope no one will be endangered for your testing." He said.

" No one will be endangered...but this will be fun for the audience. Lan Wangji's seclusion will end tomorrow right?" I asked.

" Yes and what does it have to do with my brother?" He asked.

" Well just let him guard tomorrow night and let's follow him after cerfew and I will tell you my prediction there. It's time for my ship to set sail." I said with a victorious smirk.

" I see you believe my brother will find his destiny there?"

" Hm... Not only that, I will prove to you that my other cousin is a cutsleeve."

" Wangji is a cutsleeve?"

" If my prediction is correct them yes. Fortunately, that person whom your brother fall in love with has the same feelings for him. Unfortunately, he died before even confessing their feeling. Your brother was whipped 33 times with disciplinary whip and was force to seclusion for three years during his seclusion he heard his beloved's death, and even while having difficulty in moving his body, he drag himself to where his love reside. There he saw nothing except his beloved's adopted son which he brought to Cloud Reccesses and adopted as him even with shufu's refusal. Many elders even though that he was Wangji's love child, born out of wedlock since only you, Wangji and Shufu know the child's real identity. Wangji continued to mourn for his beloved till they meet again." I summarize whole of Lan Wangji's suffering.

" So in order to avoid the both of them from suffering and to avoid the biggest chaos in the cultivation world, we must bring them together." I continued.

" How can their miserable love life bring the cultivation world to chaos?" He asked.

" It's not the main reason but can be a solution... The main reason is a story for another day. See our long discussion let me talk for the whole afternoon. Look at it ge its almost dinner. Don't forget to train me in the morning and do spying at night." I said with a wink.

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