13: Lan Wangji

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" Next time you don't invite me I'll tell you to uncle." I threatened and went nearer to Huaisang...


" What the fuck?!" Jiang Cheng curses and I and the others laugh out loud.

" Jiang Cheng, I can't believe Yan Yan tricked you. Hahahaha... You should have seen your face. Hahahahahaha." Wei Wu Xian said in between laughs.

" Yan Yan I really love your acting skills. I can't believe you made Jiang-xiong believe." Nie Huaisang said after he recovered from his laugh.

" I can't believe this." Jiang Cheng said which made me laugh more.

" What do you think, I'm as stuck up as my cousin? Hell no! I would die if I arrived here at a boring period. I'm even thankful I arrived here during lectures and I have many people to talk to and to make fun with." I said.

" I don't know how people survived here. Maybe there is a reason why I was ubducted. Maybe if I lived here before, I'll be crazy already." I dramatically told them.

" It still surprise me that your a Lan. You're too far of being one." Huaisang told me.

" I did not grow up here. I was born here, my father is from here, but I did not grow up here. The streets is a better place to stay if you want to be a free bird." I said with a wink.

" You grew up in the streets?" Jiang Cheng asked me surprised.

" Yeah. You think I'm this untamed when I lived here?" I responded cockily.

Well technically, I didn't live in the streets, but I do know how to make fun. My parents never let us focus in business while we're still young but they do tell us our responsibility for the future. Well so much for my life.

" You also have a point." Huaisang said.

" Huaisang, my 400 silver and fans?" I said to remind Huaisang of our deal.

" What?! You said including your stuck up cousin? Unless someone can make your cousin show emotion, I'll give you but if not?" Huaisang said with a raised brows waiting for me to answer.

" I'll give you my own quarters here in Cloud Reccesses. My beloved Ting Yuan." I said firmly knowing that I'll win.

" How do you expect to get reaction from your cousin?"

" He will fall in love with that someone." I said with a smirk.

" So it's a girl?" Huaisang asked.

" Not necessarily a girl, but it can be a man." I said while looking at Wei Wu Xian.

" Lan Wangji falling in love with a woman is already a miracle. How much more if he fell in love with a man?!" He said in disbelief.

" Well, it's fine with me knowing that my cousin already fall in love with a person and I know that person loved my cousin back.  Even da-ge already had a love life." I said with a smirk.

" Lan Zhan is in love with someone?" Wei Wu Xian asked with a playful voice but with a downcast eyes.

" He did not told me but I know he's in love and I know who that person is." I smirked.

" And that person loved him back?" There is a certain sadness in his tone.

" Yup. Why are you asking do you love my cousin?" I asked playfully.

" What?! No! How can I ? I'm a man." He harshly defended himself.

" Well see." I said with a meaningful look.

" Let's catch fish now." I invited and we went back to catching fishes.

* Hours later.*

I walk sneakily to my quarters so as the others couldn't see the barbequed fish I'm carrying now. I want to eat it in my quarters since I miss eating this too much, but it's better eating this with a soy sauce. I don't know if there is a soy sauce here or not and I also don't want to ask.

I walked and walked silently until I almost reach my quarters. It's not yet 9 but people are already in there quarters preparing for the night.

" What are you carrying?" A sound startled me from the back.

" Nothing." I responded shakily without looking at the back.

" Killing is forbidden in cloud reccesses." He said and now I know who is he.

I look at him and said, " Xiongzhang, I did not kill it. It was given by A-Xian for me." I said cutely to make him jealous. But really, I don't know how to roast a fish so Wei Wu Xian is the one who roast the fish.

" A-Xian?" He asked in a whisper but with his eyes drilling at me.

God I wish my dear jealous cousin will not kill me.

" Uhm Wei Wu Xian ofcourse. Why are you jealous? Xiongzhang, you are already at a first name basis, why get jealous on your poor defenseless cousin. Please don't kill me." I said dramatically.

" T-There is no such thing." He said defending himself.

" You don't need to hide it from me my dear cousin. You know, I'll tell you a secret, I can see the future and I have seen both good and bad future in your path. Even the death of your most beloved one." I said and his eyes widen.

" Wei... Wei Y-Ying??..." He said in a broken voice.

" Well you just admit to me that he is your most beloved one and yes there is a dark future ahead for the both of you so I advice you to confess to him Xiongzhang. I advice during the last day of his punishment, but please don't rape him." I said seriously except the last statement.

His brows met at my last statement.

Well don't blame me guys, I know Wei Wu Xian did say in the extra chapter, specifically the incense burner chapter, but it's better if my dear cousin confess in a normal way.

" Also no chickens." I can still remember the time he gave him chickens. Gosh that episode is so funny. It is still stored in my head.

" But before we continue discussing let's get inside Ting Yuan first it's awkward if we talk about your beloved in an open space." I told him and both of us entered my quarters.

" Well as I told you I can see the future. I'm an oracle. I also saw your fantasies... Maybe you're not thinking of it yet but just follow what I told you." I said to him.

" I cannot see the full future but only some of it." Well I actually know everything except the new changes.

" What will happen to Wei Ying?" He ask me worriedly.

" Well as I said I have seen something dark on his way. Xiongzhang I want you to make him feel that he is not alone.

He hides many secrets of how the Jiang's have treat him.

Have you remember the kid you met when we were young Xiongzhang. The kid whom you have given your favorite toy, the rattle drum and also a meat bun? That was Wei Wu Xian Xiongzhang. He lived in the streets for 4 years before the Jiang's took him to their custody.

After he was taken by the Jiang's till now, he is suffering and fighting many battles alone. Xiongzhang, Second Young Master Lan, Lan Wangji, I hope you'll stay by your side. Please stay by his side. He is too precious to suffer all this and I know only his soulmate can help him and that is you, Xiongzhang.

Also, if ever you confess to him, try to hide your relationship to others and let me make a way to betroth the two of you.
I know Wei Wu Xian will tell you the reason why.

Don't worry Xiongzhang, da-ge and I support the both of you." I said everything I need to tell him. I know I did not give the full story of the future since it will bring a more complicated future.


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