21: Betrothal

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Chapter 21

*Lan Wangji's POV*

Two days had passed since our date and uncle would be returning today. I know that uncle already approved my relationship with Wei Ying but I'm still afraid specially on how will the Jiang's accept the betrothal. Its not common for two men to get married, but I hope this will end well.

I am now sitting near my study table looking at the most precious gift the Gods had given me, who is peacefully sleeping in our bed. I know I have to wake him up since a while ago but he's so beautiful when sleeping I have no heart to wake him up, but since it's already 6 I have to wake him or we'll be late for lectures.

I went near the bed and caress his silky hair.

" Wei Ying." I called out softly as I kissed his forehead.

" Hmmnn~ Lan Zhan. I still want to sleep."  Wei Ying whined still closing his eyes.

" Wei Ying, lectures. Uncle is back." I reminded him.

" The old man is back now?" Wei Ying asked and open his eyes and I nodded in answer.

" I will prepare now. Wait Jiang Cheng must be looking for me." Wei Ying said as he rushed and prepare himself for today's lecture.

* Yanyan POV*

Today is the day uncle is back. I hope he finalized the engagement of Wangxian. Gosh there is still war and everything, I hope they'll be engaged soon so that my problem would be lessen.

As I finished preparing myself for the lecture today, someone knocked at the door. When I opened the door I found be Da-ge

" Da-ge." I greeted and let him enter.

" What's up?" I asked.

" Well uncle is back. But not only that Sect Leader Jiang is also here." He informed me.

" Woah so? Will my ship finally reach its destination? Will I hear the wedding bells ring?" I asked excitedly.

" Though I don't understand some of your metaphors, I do believe your asking if the two will finally be betrothed. To answer that, well I still don't know but maybe we'll know later." He told me.

" Okay." I said.

" For now prepare for the lecture." He told me and I did what he told me.

*Minutes had passed*

Now both of us are eating silently as thats what the rule said. After we finish eating we went to lecture hall to prepare for the lecture.

The boring lecture has finally start but my mind is still floating thinking what might happen today.

" Wei Wu Xian, Lan Wangji, follow me to the library. Xichen handle the class while the others continue your lesson. Huayan help your cousin by monitoring your classmate." Uncle ordered.

I want to watch what they were doing there but since I can't go then this will. I sent on of the talisman that da-ge gave me that functioned like a microphone while the talisman that functioned like a speaker is near my ear. Good thing I already know how to make the talisman invisible or this would be too awkward.

* 3rd person POV*

Both Wangji and Wuxian followed Lan Qiren to the library only to find Jiang Fengmian already sitting there.

" Uncle Jiang?" Wei Wu Xian was shocked.

" A-Xian, are you well here?" Fengmian asked his ward.

" I am uncle." Wei Wu Xian answered.

" Why are you here uncle?" Wuxian asked.

" Well we do have some business to talk. I'm sorry A-Xian but I really have to do this. Qiren talked with A-Yu and me about this and Your aunt already agreed so I can't do anything about this." Fengmian said sadly without knowing his decision would make the couple happy.

" What do you mean Uncle?" Wei Wu Xian asked nervously.

" We came to the agreement to secure the friendship between Lan Clan and Jiang Clan through the marriage of Second Young Master Lan and you A-Xian." Fengmian announced.

" What? Uncle?" Wei Wu Xian asked as he was surprised.

" Weather both of you like or not you are now betrothed to each other. Wei Wu Xian would be staying here in Cloud Reccesses specifically in Jingshi while both of you are preparing for your wedding. It's better if you both will know each other more before you get married." Lan Qiren said with a straight face.

" Do you both understand?" Qiren asked the lovebird like he didn't see Wei Wu Xian with love bites before.

" W-we d-do grandmaster Lan/Uncle." They both responded.

" But Qiren, A-Xian must also visit Lotus Pier now and then as he is still a Jiang." Fengmian demanded.

" Fine. For now I will leave the three of you to talk more. I will return to the lecture. Wangji, after the lecture, help Wuxian transfer all your things to Jingshi." Qiren ordered and Wangji bowed to signify he understood.

" Fengmian, want me to call your children here? It would be better if they also know." Lan Qiren suggested.

" Yes please. Thank you Qiren."

Lan Qiren went out and minutes later both Yanli and Jiang Cheng came.

"Father why are you here?" Both ask though not that synchronized.

" A-cheng, A-Li, I'm here to discuss about the betrothal of A-Xian." Fengmian informed his children.

" A-Xian is engaged? With who? Who's the unlucky girl?" Jiang Cheng asked.

" A-Xian and Second Young Master Lan are officially betrothed. The betrothal ceremony will happen next week but the wedding will be after A-Li's wedding." Fengmian told them.

" Wait Wei Wu Xian will marry in the Lan? But why with Lan Wangji? Why not with Lan Huayan? Isn't she also from the Lan blood line?" Jiang Cheng asked.

" Huayan can't marry anyone. She has greater responsibility and her duty doesn't allow her to marry." Lan Wangji said lying of course but the Jiang's didn't know he lied as they believe that Lan's don't lie.

" Congratulations A-Xian." Yanli greeted hoping that his younger brother's fiance will take care of his prescious brother.

" Please take care of our A-Xian Young Master Lan. Please be easy on him. He might be mischievous but he is very kind hearted and child-like." Yanli told Wangji.

" Wangji will do."


Hi guys just realized I haven't updated this story for so long. Hope you're still reading this. Enjoy your day and take care of yourselves.

Stay safe and continue smiling 😁😁😁

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