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Chapter 14


Don't worry Xiongzhang, da-ge and I support the both of you." I said everything I need to tell him. I know I did not give the full story of the future since it will bring a more complicated future.


" Just put everything I said in mind Xiongzhang. I don't want the both of you to suffer." I said with a smile.

" Will keep in mind." He said to me briefly, like what do I expect a Lan Wangji to respond.

" I do hope so. Also, try to be more expressive to him. Show him you love him. I said it would be better to confess at the last day of his punishment but you can also confess sooner or make him fall for you first, though it's useless since he already loves you but, oh well. Just tell me when you'll confess to him. I'm always here to help." I said with a smile and he nodded in agreement.

" Xiongzhang, want this fish? Freshly cooked by your future Wife." I tease and his ears went tomato red.

My Gosh! It's really true! Lan Wangji's ears turned really red if flustered.

" Almost cerfew must go back." He said, bowed and went to the doors grabbing the fish with him.

Well I'm left alone. My fish is gone so I'll just prepare to sleep.

Tomorrow is another day.


It's already 6 in the morning. I'm done preparing myself for the discussion which will happen on 8 am.

I went to lay again on my bed when someone knocked on the door. Maybe it's just da-ge so I went to open the door.

To my surprise, instead of da-ge I found Xiongzhang on my front door.

" Xiongzhang, why are you here? It's still early right?" I asked.

" Have thought of what you said... Willing to confess to Wei Ying but don't know how." He honestly said which I find it cute. You know, his shy face with blushing ears. Am I really the youngest in this family? It seems like he is a young child.

" So you want my help in confessing to him?" I asked and he nodded.

" Fine I'll help, but I also need da-ge's help in this. Is it fine if I'll ask his help too?"  He nodded in agreement.

" When?" I asked him to know when he wants to confess.

" You pick of the day." He said and I smiled.

" It would be better during the last day of his punishment. Don't worry Xiongzhang, I'd also plan your betrothal with ofcourse your beloved." I said with a wink.

His ears blushed and he looked away.

" Thank you." He said politely with a bow and I nodded in response.

" You're always welcome my dear cousin." I responded and after a bit of talking, or more likely me teasing him, we prepared ourselves for today's Lecture.


After the lecture, I approached da-ge for my mission today and that is.....

You'll find out later... hehehehehe.

" Da-ge." I called out.

" Yan Yan, what's the matter?" He asked me.

" Da-ge I want to tell uncle about my special ability. Because as far as I can see, my visions about Xiongzhang's suffering is near and I want to prevent it. The biggest cross of Xiongzhang in the Lan Clan is Uncle and I know once he knows the future he would help us." I explained.

" Are you sure about this Lan Hua Yan?" He asked me in a serious tone and I nodded in agreement.

" Let's meet him in the lecture hall. I'm sure he's there." Da-ge said and we both walked towards the lecture hall.

When we found uncle, we immediately call him and we ask if we could talk with him.

" What do you need Yan Yan?" Uncle asked me.

" Uncle I want to confess something." I said and da-ge put his hand on my shoulder. Uncle, who seems to get a wrong story, looked like he's about to Qi deviate.

" W-Wh-What....?" Uncle said in the edge of his emotion.

" * Chuckle* Uncle, you seemed to get a wrong story. Yan Yan want to tell you something about her and don't worry uncle, I don't date my cousin." Da-ge said which made uncle breathe well.

" Uncle what I mean is I want to tell you my ability." I said after a sharp breath.

"  She is the person in the Lan An prophecy. The woman who will come to make things right. She don't have any golden core but she has a silver vein that allows spiritual energy to flow into her body... She can also predict future according to the legends and base on observation." Da-ge explained to uncle.

" You're the diamond of Gusu?" Uncle asked.

Is that my title now? I don't know what the prophecy is but let's stick to what my role in this story is.

" She is uncle and she had a vision she wanted to share to you." Da-ge said which gave me a cue to speak.

" Uncle it's about Xiongzhang." I said with a sad face. I'll have to thank my theatre director when I get back. I have really used my acting skills well here.

" What about Wangji?" He asked worriedly.

" I have seen a dark future ahead of Xiongzhang. I know you, or shall I say the whole Cultivation world, classify him as emotionless, but he did fall in love and as a Lan, his love is ever lasting may it be reciprocated or not. Right now I know he is in refusal period. He refused to believe his love and he is confuse of his feelings for that certain person. Uncle I know in my vision you were one of the reason of Xiongzhang's misery but now I hope you open your eyes and accept Xiongzhang's love to that person even if you hated his mother." I said with a sad tone and looked in uncle's eyes with my teary eyes.

" Wangji is in love with Wei Wu Xian?" Uncle asked with a shocked tone.

" So you do really hate her mother much that is why he is your first guess. Well if my vision is correct, he is currently in love with Wei Wu Xian. Unfortunately, he is still not acknowledging his feeling.

If we don't do something, Xiongzhang would be the one to suffer. If we don't do something, both of them would suffer greatly. Wei Wu Xian would think he is unloved and die thinking it while Xiongzhang would be drown to eternal misery knowing he never had a chance to show his love and he was not able to save the person he loves.

I don't want the both of them to suffer. Wei Wu Xian already suffered enough from the constant abuse That Madam Yu had given to him. Uncle I want you to betroth the two. If you say you want to betroth them since they love each other Madam Yu would oppose. Please make it a political wedding. Arrange it to strengthen the bond of the two sect. Please uncle this is my only request as of the moment." I said kneeling down bowing with my head touching the ground.

Uncle immediately rushed to my side and made me stand up.

" If that's what it is... But.....


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