20: The Date

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*Lan Wangji's POV*

I just woke up from my sleep to find something heavy lying on my chest. I opened my eye to find the most beautiful man the Gods have ever created. I slowly caress his hair will placing gentle kiss on his head. I guess I really tire him last night but who can stop me when he is that irresistible.

To make him rest more, I gently moved him from my chest and I stood up from the bed and prepared food for the two of us. I know Wei Ying never loved our food here in Cloud Reccesses so I made a resolution to always cook for him until he grew tired of the food I cook for him.

When I finished cooking his meal, I went to his bed and gently kissed his cheeks.

" Wei Ying." I called out softly. He moved and snuggled to me closer.

" Wei Ying wake up." I said while kissing his ever soft lips.

" uhmm.. Lan Zhan it's too early." He whined which made me smile.

" Wei Ying it's already lunch time." I informed him.

" lunch time?" His eyes opened wide and he sat down while facing me.

" Mn. Lunch time." I told him.

" Lan Zhan we are already late why did you wake me up so late. Now we are late for lectures." He pouted as he said that. Being tempted by those plum lips, I took it to mine kissing my beloved.

" Wei Ying was tired." I explained.

" who's fault I was tired." He glared at me which I just responded with a smile.

" no lecture today Wei Ying. Uncle told us to spend the day together while Yanyan and Xiongzhang will go on a night hunt." I said.

" No lecture?" He asked.

" Mn. Uncle in Qinghe. Discussion Conference." I explained as best as I can. Though I still didn't know how to express myself more but I want Wei Ying to understand he's special than other person in the whole world by speaking more in front of him though it's hard for me.

" So what are we going to do Lan Zhan?" He asked me.

" Wei Ying must eat now." I said while caressing his hair.

" Okay but eat with me please." He said cutely that no man can ever reject him. I don't know what witchery hit me that made him my air to breathe, that without him, I would die.

We both went to my study table where I placed our food and both of us eat peacefully but ofcourse with Wei Ying disobeying the 58th rule of Lan Sect which is not to talk while eating( the rule no was totally made up.)

When we finished eating we then made our minds to spend our day or shall I say afternoon in Caiyi as Wei Ying want to drink Emperor Smile and ofcourse I agreed and Wei Ying gave me a kiss on my cheeks as a reward. Well that's a good barter.

*Hours passed*

We are now strolling at the market of Caiyi and Wei Ying already bought 10 bottles of Emperor Smile which I placed in my Qiankun(is my spelling correct?? I forgot the spelling) pouch for storing.

" Lan Zhan I have a gift for you." He said to me hiding something at his back as he smiled at me.

I looked at him lovingly like telling him I want to know my surprise. He then showed me a Cloud designed jade tassel. I smiled and kissed his forehead like saying thanks in my own way.

I'm genuinely happy with the gift he gave me.

" Do you like it Lan Zhan?" He asked me as he placed the jade tassel in Bichen.

" Mn. Thank you." I responded. While we were strolling more, we saw Yanyan and Xiongzhang looking a little exhausted.

" Xiongzhang, Yanyan." I greeted with a bow.

" Da-ge it seems like Xiongzhang and A-Xian are having their date." She teased me.

I looked at Xiongzhang like asking why are they here. Are they spying on us again.

" Wangji, Yanyan and I are here not to spy on both of you. Even if I wanted to, but Yanyan and I went here even before your beloved one woke up. We are here to suppress the Water Borne Abyss that is pestering the Biling Lake. So even if we both want to spy on you today we can't. We're too exhausted to do that." Xiongzhang said with a light chuckle. Xiongzhang can really read me well.

" Rest well then Xichen-ge, Yan-yan." Wei Ying said and smiled at them. It seems like the smile was not enough that he went near Yanyan and hugged her. I felt an unusual rage firing in my body. I immediately pulled Wei Ying towards me. I hugged him and said, "Mine."

Xiongzhang and Yanyan laughed.

" Don't worry Xiongzhang. A-Xian might be my dream man but I know he's yours." Yanyan said.

Wait her dream man is Wei Ying? I can't let Wei Ying get close to her.

" Geez Xiongzhang I just said I won't take him away from you. I'm not the villain in this novel. I'm the shipper." She said to my. Wait she can read my mind?

" Xiongzhang for your Information, I can't read your mind but the way you look at me like you want to kill me tells me everything. Xiongzhang it's not fair, it still not a year that I came back to Cloud Reccesses but my elder cousin already want to kill me." Yanyan faked cry infront of us.

Xiongzhang then join her in her acting.

" Yanyan I do feel you. Ever since we paved a way to their Union until now, they kept feeding us with dog food, and now even my own baby brother want to kill me everytime I come near his beloved. Where is the justice here." Now the both became too dramatic.

Since the two became too dramatic, I pulled Wei Ying away from my dramatic brother and dramatic cousin. Even Wei Ying is now laughing because of their dramatic-ness.

Beside that event, this day became smooth sailing and we went back to Cloud Reccesses with a happy smile and ofcourse I also help Wei Ying bring the Emperor Smile inside Cloud Reccesses and hide it in Jingshi.

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