7: Spying

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" I'm spying against Wen Rouhan girl. I'm one of the people who loss everything because of him and I'm here to make sure he falls... But I would excuse Dafan Wens whom the cultivation world don't care about. Your innocent, but once Wen Clan would be overturned, you won't escape the revenge of the the other sects. So I'm giving you the choice now. Escape early and help us in the battle."


" What are you suggesting?" Wen Qing asked me.

" I know a place a mountain beyond Yiling where no cultivator is around. All of them are ordinary people. I can bring your relatives there. I want you ti act as if they are dead and you hated the whole cultivation world for killing them this earning Wen Rouhan's trust more. I will bring you to your family once the war starts. Are you fine with my proposal? I need someone who could spy against Wen Rouhan and you are the perfect person for that." I said.

" But after you bring my family there, I want to see their situation. I want to make sure they are safe or not." She said.

" Deal." I said immediately after she finished speaking.

" Just act natural Wen Qing. I'll take care of everything." I said and left her.

At last Wen Qing is already in my side. Now her family. I can go out this night. Now I need a plan how can it looked like they were killed.

While I was walking as I think, I bump into someone.

" How dare bump into me." Said the person.

" Sorry." I said softly and continue to walk.

The man grab me and said.

" Hey don't you know who is the person you bump. I'm the fucking cousin of the Jin Clan heir." He shouted.

Why did I bump with this arrogant peacock. One of my hatest character of the Mo Dao Zu Shi. I will let his life fall in hell.

" Oh.. sorry Jin Zixun." I dropped casually.

" Young Lady you seemed like no manners. Can't you respect me? Can't you see, I'm higher than you." He said angrily.

" Sorry Young Master, just a little correction your taller but not higher. Now could you please excuse and I need to meet my cousin." I said with an eye roll.

" Watch out bitch. We are not yet done." He said but I already walk away from him.

He really is a piece of shit. Does his day won't be complete without pissing anyone?

I need to focus on Wen Qing.

" You seemed angry." A familiar voice startled me. I looked at the back and saw Lan Xichen smiling.

" Da-ge, the arrogant peacock is really a piece of shit. I need to calm down before I break all the rule of Cloud Reccesses." I said angrily.

" Wanna go to Caiyi town?" We could relax there." He suggested.

" Hell, Yeah." I said and he took my hand and we went to Caiyi.

Since I'm already out it's also the perfect time to go to Dafan and bring them beyond Yiling. But I need help if I don't want to get caught. I glance at the man together with me and hoping he would help me.

" Mei Mei, what's wrong?" He asked.

" Da-ge I need your help." I said.

" What is it?" He asked.

" Do you trust me?" I asked.

" Ofcourse, why not your my younger cousin our dear Yan Yan." He said.

" Come and help me." I said and he did not hesitate and we rode his sword. Well I still cant get the balance and I'm afraid I'll fall.

" Where are we going?" He asked.

" Let's go to an inn first and change our attire. We can attract attention if we wore GusuLan robes." I said and he agreed.

When we arrived at an inn we book a single room since we only need to change our robes. I went out and buy 2 black robes and 2 black masked. Well I looked like a Ninja in this outfit. It would be better to wear dark so that at night we cant be seen properly thus we can't be recognized.

I bring those robes and masked to him.

" Why black?" He asked.

" We will go at night. I choose black so that it will camouflaged in the dark night. So that the enemies can't see us clearly. Also da-ge can you masked your sword. I know every cultivator know that sword. Also my sword please." I asked and he comply.

After we both finish dressing up separately, he went near me and asked.

" Where are we going Lan Hua Yan?" He asked in a demanding tone.

" I want to save the Dafan Wens. They are an innocent branch of the Wen clan only compose of Elders and Healers. I saw in a vision that Wangji, and WuXian's life would be distorted because of them. I need to bring them away before the war starts. Don't worry about the Wens. I already recruited Wen Qing to our side. She will serve as our eyes against Wen Rouhan." I explained.

" Your visions are kinda weird, but if really involves Wangji's safety I'll comply, but how will it affect Wangji?" He asked.

" Uhmm... It's like this. Do you remember Wei Wu Xian right? The head disciple of YunmengJiang Sect? He and my dear iceberg cousin are soulmates. Currently, they are both in the denial stage on their relationship. They are denying their feelings for each other and thinking that they are straight. Wei Wu Xian, after the war would go and save the Dafan Wens because they are innocent, which made him an enemy of the whole cultivation world. This made your Younger brother's heart be broken into pieces.

After many more event, Wei Wu Xian would be seige and wangji saved him. Uncle beat him with disciplinary whip for 33 times for injuring all the 33 elders. He was forced into seclusion for 3 years for him to avoid and save Wei Wu Xian again.

During his seclusion he heard the news of Wei Wu Xian's passing which broke his heart. He then adopted the only Dafan Wen survivor which is also the child Wei Wu Xian treat as his son. He mourned then after." I said.

" What?!" He said in disbelief.

" So are you going to help me save them?" I said and he nodded.

It's a good thing I read Mo Dao Zu Shi many times and Watched Chen Qing Ling like about a dozen times.

" Let's go." I said and we went straight ahead to Dafan.

To be Continued...

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