10: Lectures.

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I'm now here listening to the boring lecture of my not so old uncle.

Hayst! no wonder Wei Wu Xian fall asleep during this time.

As I observe my 2 cousins are looking at 2 different person. The eldest looking at the smiling yellow dwarf, while the other is looking at the smart yet dumb bunny sleeping at the back of the angry purple grape.

" Wei Wu Xian." My dearest uncle shouted.

Atleast something fun for today.

" Yes Grandmaster Lan?" Wei Wu Xian asked.

" Wei Wu Xian. Your are too confident to sleep in my class. I'm sure you already know what I am talking about. So then let me check your knowledge. Are Yaos, Demon, Ghost and Monster the same?" He asked.

" No. Yaos are form from non humans Demons are form from living human beings Ghost are form from dead human Monster are form from dead non human beings." Wei Wu Xian directly answered.

" Yaos and monsters are often confused. How can you differentiate the other?"

"Easy.  For example the tree behind you. If it would be tainted with the energy of your principle and would develop consciousness it would become a Yao.

But if you took an axe and cut it, leaving the dead tree trunk. If this would cultivate into a being then it would be a monster."

" What is the profession of the founder of the Nie sect?"

" Butcher."

" The Heraldry of  LanlingJin sect is a white peony. What kind of Peony?"

" Sparks amidst Snow."

" Who is the first cultivator who focuses first on the growth of his clan rather than the sect?"

" The propagator of Wen clan, Wen Mao."

" As the Head disciple of YunmengJiang clan you must be well-versed with this, so now let me ask you one last time. There is an executioner who had a wife and children, but has killed a lot during his lifetime. One day, he died 8n public and his dead body was hung publicly for 7 days. Due to the resentment that build up in him he became a resentful ghost and killed people. What are we going to do with him?"

As expected, this question was left hanging by the thinking Wei Wu Xian. I did not open the book as I am sure Lan Wangji would be the one to be called to answer but the others did.

" Close your book." Lan Qiren said.

" You don't have an answer?... Lan Hua Yan you answer." He said which shocked me to the core.

Lan Qiren this is not in the book, you should have called Lan Wangji, your prized nephew not your newly found niece. Nevertheless, I still stand and answered.

" There are 3 ways release, suppress, and eliminate. First one, since he still has a family we can use his gratitude and love with his family. As a cultivator, we could ask his last wish and perform it and release his grudges. If that won't work it would be suppressed. However if it's crime is unconscionable then it would be completely removed. No mistake shall be allowed."

" Well said. Even a girl who just study for one day can get it."

" Grandmaster Lan, I have a question, release often comes first but what if what it wish is to kill another?" Wei Wu Xian asked and I smirked inwardly. I hope the flow still follows.

" Then suppression and elimination follows." Lan Wangji answered without even minding to stand nor to look at his Wei Ying.

" Precise answer Wangji." Lan Qiren praised.

" What a waste. I did not answer not because I don't know the answer but because I'm thinking of the fourth path." Wei Wu Xian chirped gladly.

" I haven't heard a fourth path?" Lan Qiren said.

" Since the executioner died in such a horrible way it is understandable that he became a resentful ghost. He also manage to kill many people during his lifetime. So why not dug the grave of those he had slaughtered and use them to kill the vengeful spirit."

" The core of exorcising demons and ghost is to liberate. You want to use evil to exterminate evil?"

"  Spiritual energy is energy and resentful energy is also an energy. Why not use it too?"

" How can you make sure it listen to you?"

" Well I haven't think of it."

" Once you think of it you would be the enemy of the whole cultivation world! Get out!" He said angrily.

Wei Wu Xian bowed and went out.

Lan Qiren was in rage by Wei Wu Xian's attitudes today's class, but actually, his face is really very funny. I want to laugh out loud but I'm a Lan. Not only a normal disciple but a cousin to the sect Heir and the future Leader. So I must be a good example.

" Wangji, go get that troublemaker and let him have his punishment in the library. Let him copy the sect rules 100 times." He said now a little bit relax but still angry.

Lan Wangji then stand up, bowed and went out of the class to get his Wei Ying. Wait not yet his, but soon to be his.

About 30 minutes of listening to the boring lecture an idea pop out on my mind.

How can I miss a very memorable library date of my cousin?

I took the talisman that worked like a microphone. I know that the speaker one is with Da-ge. Ofcourse he don't want to miss it too.

" Da-ge wanna have some fun?" I whispered in the talisman and I saw Lan Xichen frowned. I winked at him and begin my act.

I hold on to the other Lan Clan disciple near me then pretend to faint.

" What happened?" I heard Uncle shouted.

" Uncle let me bring her to the infirmary." Lan Xichen volunteered.

'Very good Da-ge.' I said in my mind.

He carried me in bridal style till outside. Ofcourse he did bring me to the infirmary and let the healer checked me.

" Nothing seems wrong with Lady Lan. She must be exhausted. She seems lack of sleep. Let her rest a bit and you can bring him back 1st young master." The healer said.

After he left I opened my eyes and smiled naughtily to my cousin.

" Let's have some fun!" I said excitedly.

" What are you planning now?" He asked with a frown.

" Ofcourse, I won't miss my cousin's first date. Let's watch. It's fun. Let's watch the first day and the last day of the punishment. That is the best date they will have. I like Lan Wangji's reaction those times." I said and drag my cousin outside and went to the library.

We went and hide somewhere where we could see them.


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