Glimpse of the future.

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Chapter 15

" If that's what it is, But why do you plead for Wei Wu Xian? What's so important with him?" Uncle asked me.

" If my visions are correct, there would be a war against Wen sect and Wei Wu Xian was the reason why we won the war. Without him, we would never win the war. Only Wei Wu Xian knows how to use or let say to tame the only method we can use to defeat Wen Rouhan." I said with a serious face.

" What is this method?" He asked me.

" First promise me you won't judge him." I said and he nodded. Given the confirmation, I continued.

" Uncle do you remember his answer when you as him during lecture, the 4th method he had been telling?"

" Demonic Cultivation?!" He said in surprise.

" I told you Uncle don't judge yet. He had no choice. Based on my vision, he did it since he didn't have any choice. Lotus Pier was attacked by the Wens. Only the three survived, namely, Jiang Yanli, Jiang Wanyin and Wei Wu Xian. Unfortunately, unknown to Wei Wu Xian, Jiang Wanyin let himself get captured by the Wens to save Wei Wu Xian. Wei Wu Xian then went and looked for Jiang Wanyin. He found him by the help of Wen Ning. They brought Jiang Wanyin to Wen Qing the sister of Wen Ning and the greatest doctor of QishanWen. There, Wei Wu Xian found out that Jiang Wanyin had no core so Wei Wu Xian looked for ways on how to save his adoptive brother. He found a way but a way which entails sacrifice. It's golden core transfer. A theory made by the one and only Wen Qing. A theory that never had one yet proven effective. Wei Wu Xian spent the whole day trying to convince Wen Qing to perform the transplant yet Wen Qing don't want to take the risk. There is only fifty percent chance of success yet Wei Wu Xian still want to do it. Wen Qing was left with no choice but to do the transplant.

Wei Wu Xian tricked his adoptive brother that he will bring him to his mother's master who is Baoshan Sanren for his core to get fixed, but instead the Celestial Mountain, Wei Wu Xian who didn't know where his grandmaster is, brought his adoptive brother to a random mountain in Yiling. There they tricked Jiang Wanyin and made him unconscious and there in that random mountain, they performed the core transplant. Wei Wu Xian stayed awake for the whole transplant. No anesthetics was used since it can dissolve the core. After the transplant Wei Wu Xian waited for Jiang Wanyin in the market of Yiling where they agreed to meet.

Unfortunately, Wen Chao and his bitch was there and they captured and tortured the recovering Wei Wu Xian. They asked him where Jiang Wanyin is, but Wei Wu Xian never did tell where his adoptive brother is despite of the torture. Since Wen Chao can't get any information to Wei Wu Xian and since Wei Wu Xian can turn to resentful spirit if he died since he never undergo soul calming ceremony, they throw him in the burial mounds and there Wei Wu Xian learned to use resentment energy. For three months he tried his best to control it with the help of Lan Clan's musical cultivation until he was able to escape the burial mounds and giving birth to the Grandmaster of Demonic Cultivation. The fearless Yiling Laozu."

" How many days?" Da-ge asked.

" 2 nights and one day. Fully awake." I answered.

" So he survived burial mounds through controlling the resentment there?" Da-ge ask again.

" Yes."

" So you want Wei Wu Xian to stay here to avoid his dark future?" Uncle asked.

" Not dark future but the sad reality. Believe me or not he had uncountable scars at his back due to zidian and you know who yield Zidian right?" I said looking at uncle.

" What he is abused by Yu Ziyuan? How dare she. Zidian is used to exterminate the evil beings not use to whip a kid!" Uncle angrily exclaimed.

" And he start receiving the whips since he was able to form a core ahead of Jiang Wanyin. If you are asking why, there is only one answer, Jealousy." I told him.

" I will but Wei Wu Xian must be brought to the infirmary for a full body check up. I would want to see if he only had Zidian marks on his back or there are other torture." Uncle said and I smiled. Well at least my favorite character don't need to suffer from the hands of the evil witch.

" Wait uncle how can we order Young Master Wei to be examined? We don't have a proper reason." Da-ge asked.

" Then do a health check up to all guest disciples to ensure they are safe but to Wei Wu Xian do a full body check up." Uncle said and I smiled. I went near him and hugged him.

" Thank you Uncle." I said.

" If it's for the betterment, I won't stand and do nothing. Lan Clan uphold justice." He said and tap my back.

" So you will betroth Xiongzhang and A-Xian right?" I asked again to confirm.

" Yes your excellency." Da-ge said.

" Why the title?" I asked annoyed.

" You are the diamond of the Lan Clan." Da-ge said with a teasing smile and I rolled my eyes.

" I'm still your cute cousin." I said cutely.

" Back to the topic, tomorrow, I'll tell the healer to do his job and what to do." Uncle said.

" Yes uncle. I'll deliver a good news to Xiongzhang first." I said.

" What news?" Uncle asked. Opps... I told uncle that I'm not yet sure about Lan Wangji's feeling to Wei Wu Xian. If I say that I'll tell the good news of their betrothal, uncle might say I'm lying. Another I'll would do.

" He was the one who told me about Wei Wu Xian's scars. So I'll tell him the good news of it being checked." I said convincingly and uncle was convinced and da-ge and I went out.

" Where are you heading now Yan Yan?" Da-ge asked me.

" I'll go to the library first to visit my dear cousin and his lover." I said and left da-ge their.

When I arrived at the library, I was met by a sulking Wei Wu Xian and a red eared cousin.

What happened now? It is not fully described in all the adaptation and even in the book.

" Xiongzhang what happened here?" I asked.


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