22: The Talk

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Chapter 22

*3rd person POV*

" Wait so if A-Xian is betrothed, when will be his wedding?" Asked the saddened Yanli. She can't believe that her precious younger brother had the same fate as her—being used as a tool to strengthen their Sect.

" Well we haven't talked about it yet, maybe I'll talk with Qiren about that later." Fengmian asked with a sad smile.

" A-Xian please take care of your brother and sister while they are still here with you. Also, don't forget to take care of yourself and please don't break the rules so that you won't be punished here. Cloud Reccesses is very different from Lotus Pier. There you can fool around and do anything you want but here you must be careful specially you are alone. Second Young Master Lan, I hope you'll really take care of A-Xian. He is just like a son for me. He may be mischievous but he has a good heart." Fengmian said releasing all his worries.

" Uncle Jiang don't worry I'll be fine here. Also, Jiang Cheng and Shijie are also doing good here. They won't need me to look after them..."

" Yeah because Jiejie and I are the ones looking after your chaotic ass." Jiang Cheng cut his brother speech.

" Hey! I'm not anymore breaking the rules after my last punishment." Wei Wu Xian pouted.

" Yeah right. That was just because Grandmaster Lan isn't here and Lan Wangji was baby sitting you everytime to make sure you didn't disobey any rules." Jiang Cheng argued.

" Shijie, Jiang Cheng is being mean to me." Wei Wu Xian whined to his sister.

" A-cheng." Yanli playfully scolded.

" Jiejie, why are you on his side. He's being immature again." Jiang Cheng rolled his eyes at his brother's antics.

" How old are you Xian Xian?" Yanli asked to tease her younger brothers. Wei Wu Xian raised his three fingers signifying he is still three years old.

" See Xian Xian is just three, a-cheng you mustn't bully a child."  Yanli said.

" What Jie why are you favoring him."

" But our three year old Xian Xian is about to marry someone."

" Shijie, I told you I can take care of myself now. Don't worry." Wei Wu Xian assured.

" Yeah I know our Xian Xian is mature enough to take care of himself but...."

'But why do you always have to suffer, mother abuse you at home and now you're being used to be a contract sealer for a political agreement. I don't care if I was used like that but, not my precious brother who has the brightest smile even during the darkest storm.' This statement was said in her head but it seems like Wei Wu Xian understand what her sister is thinking and just gave her a gentle smile.

" Shijie don't let your pretty brain overthink. The Lans are righteous they won't hurt me." Wei Wu Xian said to assure her sister.

" Just promise me you'll take care of yourself A-Xian. Your my baby brother after all."

" Shijie you made it sounds like we won't see each other again." Wei Wu Xian pout.

" Well we don't know what the Lan's will do to you. What if they imprison you like what they did to Lan Wangji's mom." Jiang Cheng said plainly.

" Lan Zhan's mom? What happen to your mom Lan Zhan?" Wei Wu Xian was confuse. Did he forget something? Lan Wangji just look at the floor

" Well ask that to your fiancé if he'll answer you." Jiang Cheng said.

" Well I'll ask later. I'll be moving to his room anyways."

" What?! Isn't to early to move to his room? What if he kills you in your sleep?" Jiang Cheng exclaimed worriedly.

" Well according to grandmaster Lan it's for us to know each other more. Also Lan Zhan is not like that Jiang Cheng, he might hate me but he's not a coward who murdered someone in their slumber." Wei Wu Xian said defending his fiancé.

" Will not hurt Wei Ying." Lan Wangji said, more likely whispered, not knowing if the Jiang sibling still knows he's there or not or if they heard him.

" Anyways you must be careful A-Xian we will miss you." 

" Shijie, we will still see each other tomorrow. It's not like both of you will be going back to Lotus Pier. The lecture is still ongoing. The only change is that I'm not staying with you in your quarters." Wei Wu Xian told them.

" Just be careful." Yanli said.

" Wei Ying is safe here." Lan Wangji said a little loudly, still with a blank face.

" Your still here?" Jiang Cheng ask somewhat annoyed.

" Wangji didn't leave." Wangji told them.

When Jiang Cheng was about to talk Yan Yan arrive.

" What's the news?" She said brightly.

" Young Lady." Jiang Fengmian greeted.

" Oh... Good day Sect Leader Jiang." Yanyan greeted which made the others wonder how she knew him.

" Wait how did you know that he is our father?" Jiang Cheng asked.

" I just piece all the information. Uncle told me Xiongzhang is here with the Jiang Trio and Sect Leader Jiang. So since he's the only face I didn't know so I concluded that he is the sect Leader." Yanyan explained fully lying.

" So you are the missing niece of the Lan Clan." Jiang Fengmian said.

" I was once lost but now I'm back. My father and mother looked for me but both of them are already dead. But before dying my father told me to come back home, to come back here so now I'm here." She explained.

" I hope you'll treat Wei Wu Xian like your own family." Jiang Fengmian said with a bow.

" Huh why?" Yanyan pretended not to know even if she heard everything through the talisman she used to listen to their conversations.

" Wei Wu Xian will be marrying Lan Wangji." Jiang Cheng said clearly not happy.

" Woah, Xiongzhang your marrying Wei Wu Xian? That's amazing." Yanyan said happily.

" Wait Huayan, Lan Wangji mentioned your not allowed to marry, why?" Jiang Cheng ask curiously.

" Why did you ask do you want to marry me?" Yanyan tease.

" What?! No!." Jiang Cheng harshly said.

" Hahahahah, you're too fun to tease, but yeah, I have a mission in the Lan clan which didn't allow me to marry. It's also an advantage for me since I don't want to marry anyone." Yanyan said supporting the lie her cousin made.

" Anyway I'm here to help Wei Wu Xian transfer his things to Xiongzhang's room." She said.

" Xiongzhang, Wei Wu Xian lets transfer the things now." She said and the three of them bid goodbye to the other three.

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