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Note: there is a mature content🙈🔞 at the later part. Just don't expect much. Written by a virgin while in the Church.⛪⛪⛪ For those who don't want to read it you may just skip the part. I put an indication to where it start and it will end at the end of this chapter. Happy reading.

Chapter 17

*3rd Person's POV*

* A day before the previous chapter*

" So Lan Zhan your getting married? Congrats." He greeted the Young Master in front of him.  Wei Wu Xian don't know why he's hurt about the sudden Revelation. He should be happy right? It's not that he is in love with Lan Zhan right? No no no, how can he? They are both male, also, it's not that his Lan Zhan will love him right? He is just a son of a servant. How can he be a worthy cultivation partner of the Second Young Master of Lan Clan. Aiysshht. Why is he thinking of that.

" Congrats as well." Lan Wangji told the man in front  of him.

" Why are you saying congrats? It's not like I'm gonna get married." Wei Wu Xian said and Lan Wangji just respond with an 'mn.'

" What are you agreeing on Lan Zhan? I really can't understand you." Wei Wu Xian commented.

" Would you like to get married?" Lan Wangji asked out of nowhere.

" Ofcourse but not yet now." Wei Wu Xian responded directly.

" Oh." Lan Wangji said with a sadness in his tone.

" Why with the tone?" Wei Wu Xian asked.

" Not getting married as well." Lan Wangji said.

" Why so?"

" You won't get married." Lan Wangji answered straight forwardly.

" Huh? How does it relate with me?"

" Will only marry Wei Ying."

" Hahahahahaha. Nice joke Lan Zhan. I never know you can joke now. Did Yan Yan teach you how to joke?" Wei Wu Xian laughed while Lan Zhan looked at him seriously.

" Your joking right?" Wei Wu Xian asked seriously which Lan Wangji answered with a serious look.

" Lan Zhan?" He asked worriedly.

" You think?" Lan Wangji asked again with a serious tone and looking at his oblivious beloved.

Can't Wei Wu Xian see the sincerity in Lan Wangji's eyes? Can't he still understand the meaning behind the meaningful look Lan Wangji has giving him?

" Hahahahahahaha... My gosh Lan Zhan. You almost got me there." Wei Wu Xian laughed while saying. Poor Lan Wangji, he don't know how to confess with direct words and his crush is too oblivious to understand.

Wei Wu Xian is still laughing when Lan Wangji pulled him closer to the latter then placed his lips to the laughing man.

Wei Wu Xian was shocked. The Second Young Master Lan is kissing him. Lan Zhan is kissing him, Lan Zhan is kissing himLanZhaniskissinghimLanZhaniskissinghimLanZhaniskissinghimLanZhaniskissinghimLanZhaniskissinghim.

His brain can't still register what is happening but his mouth seems like it has its own thinking and began to reciprocate the kiss. His hands also found its way to the older man's neck while the latter's hand is placed around the younger's waist pulling the other closer to the elder with no space between them. Time began to stop as they ravished each other's lips. After the unknown length of time, the two lovers' lips began to part for them to catch breath.

" Will only marry Wei Ying. Even if it means I'll be alone forever." Lan Wangji confessed as he hugged the younger.

" Who says you'll be alone? Lan Zhan you took my first kiss you must take responsibility." Wei Wu Xian playfully said and hugged the older tightly.

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