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Chapter 19

* flashback*

" Wei Ying let's take a bath now. Uncle might come here." Lan Wangji said and without further ado, he carried his lover and both of them bath peacefully with no sword fighting.


* 3rd person POV*

When Wei Wu Xian and Lan Wangji finished taking a bath, and change into their robes, Lan Qiren came and knocked on Jingshi door.

" Wangji." Lan Qiren called out.

" Wei Ying uncle is here." Lan Wangji said worried that they might be caught.

" Don't worry Lan Zhan I have a plan." Wei Wu Xian said and sit at the table.

Lan Wangji went to open the door and let his uncle enter.

" Uncle." Lan Wangji greeted.

When Lan Qiren entered he saw Wei Wu Xian seated at the table.

" Wei Wu Xian? Why are you here?" Lan Qiren asked.

" Yan Yan told me to come here but I don't know why." Wei Wu Xian straightly lied.

" okay so, you need to heal yourself in the  cold pond. We have seen during the check up that you have Zidian marks in your back. Don't worry, for now we won't tell or confront Yu Ziyuan about this since you will be endangered. Your mother and I may not be in good terms because your mother is very much you, but you are still a child, but once you become one of my ward you will be protected by the Lan Clan, and by that time, we will confront Yu Ziyuan for the abused you received since then." Lan Qiren explained.

" Your Ward? Become a Lan?" Wei Wu Xian questioned.

" I can see the hickies on your neck so the two of you can't cover it now. I support you but I just hope you weren't this fast. I was still about to arranged your marriage politically but I guess you went ahead of me. Don't worry, your secret would remain a secret for now so please don't act so lovey-dovey out there." Lan Qiren told them.

" Thank you uncle." Lan Wangji said to his uncle happily.

" Wangji, though at first I was afraid that you'll be like Wei Wu Xian, but now I understand him. Wei Wu Xian is not his mother and you are not your father. So I hope you'll be happy in your life."

" Grandmaster Lan, you know my mother?" Wei Wu Xian asked.

" well let just say she made more pranks here in Cloud Reccesses more than you. You are a copy of your mother. You actually had your father's face but your smile and attitude is very much like your mother." Qiren told the interested child.

" I'm glad though I haven't remember them I still have some memory of them now."

" I'll tell you more someday." Qiren smiled.

Wangji's heart swelled in happiness when his uncle and his beloved are getting along. It seems like a dream that now becomes a reality.

" Wangji, you can accompany Wei Wu Xian in the cold pond but please don't dirty the pond. You know what I mean."

" Y-Yes uncle." Lan Wangji answered shyly.

" Since I already remind you, the two of you can proceed now. There will be no lecture tomorrow and the day that follows it since I'll go to Qinghe and Yunmeng respectively. I hope both of you will behave." Lan Qiren said and went away.

The two boys left in the room are still blushing hard remembering how they are caught.

" Lan Zhan this is your fault." Wei Wu Xian said still blushing.

" Wei Ying?"

" I told you not to bite. See what have you done. You're very shameless. How can I hide this now." Said Wei Wu Xian and now Lan Wangji's ears turned bright red like it was almost going to explode.


" Lan Zhan, how can I meet my siblings now with this." Wei Wu Xian pouted.

Couldn't bear it anymore, Lan Wangji placed his hands on the younger cheeks and next thing Wei Wu Xian know they are kissing each other fiercely and he(Wei Ying) was pinned on the wall.

" Lan Zhan, we still have to go to the cold pond." Wei Wu Xian reminded when they finally released each other's lips.

" but Wei Ying must eat first before going there."

" let's eat now Lan Zhan." Both of them went to the dinning hall together.

* 3rd person POV*

" Yanyan." Wen Qing called out to the woman walking.

" Qing-jie." Huayan greeted back.

" I want to talk to you in private." Wen Qing told the younger female.

Lan Huayan then led the older female to her personal quarters, Ting Yuan.

" Qing-jie what do you want to tell me." Yanyan asked.

" I... I want to see my family. Can I see them?" Wen Qing requested.

" ofcourse Qing-jie. This night we will travel there. But I have to bring my elder cousin. Don't worry he knows everything." Yanyan told the elder.

" I'll come here later." Wen Qing said.

" I'll wait here Qing-jie."

*At night*

*Lan Hua Yan's POV*

"Da-ge will we still pass by Jingshi?" I asked da-ge.

" we will. That's the safest path we could travel if we wish to be unseen." Da-ge said.

If you're wondering, none of us are wearing our usual robes but ninja styled garments. In this garments no one will know who we are. We also masked our swords so that no one would truly know us.

As we pass by Jingshi, I can still hear those weird sounds.

*Sigh* Wangxian and their everyday. I hope Wei Wu Xian can walk tomorrow.

" Yanyan let's move faster. Its Wangji's assign time to guard. He'll be out any minute now." Da-ge reminded.

" da-ge, Xiongzhang won't be able to guard now trust me. He is doing something. Or more likely someone." I said whispering the last line.

" but anyhow's let's go now." I said and da-ge and I rode our own sword while Wen Qing rode with da-ge.

When we reach the mountain beyond Yiling, we directly went to a small village.

" Xiao Village?" Wen Qing asked as she read the character in the ark at the entrance of the village.

" for your safety, I took the privilege to rename your family. If you stay as a Wen, you would be targeted by the other clan soon or Wen Rouhan can also catch you soon." I explained.

" I don't know how to thank the Lan Clan for this help." Wen Qing said.

" Wen Qing, Lan Clan is known for it's righteousness. If we can't save the innocent one, how can we be called righteous." I explained.

" I'll always be indebt to you. Thank you." Wen Qing said.

" Do you wanna stay longer. Let me paraphrase my question, do you wanna meet them?" I asked.

" knowing they are safe is fine with me." She said.

" Don't worry Lady Wen, tomorrow I'll send a guard for them to make sure they are always safe." Da-ge said.

" thank you Sect Leader Lan." Wen Qing said.

" Let's go back now." Wen Qing said with a smile and we head back to Cloud Reccesses hoping tomorrow would be a great day.


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