12: Meng Yao

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" But for now my dear da-ge you must definitely need to teach me the silencing Spell." I said and drag him away from the library. There is not much that happens there according to the book.


We went back to the lecture hall and continue listening to the boring discussion. Fortunate for me, the discussion is almost over when we went back.

After the lecture, Wen Qing went near me.

" Lady Lan." She called out and bowed at me.

" Lady Wen, I preferred to be called Yan Yan." I said with a smile.

" You can call me Qing-jie too Yan Yan." She told me and I smiled.

" Jie is it true, they are gone already. Our family died?" Said a shy sad man near Qing-jie. If I'm not mistaken it's Wen Ning, the ghost General.

My gosh... The ghost General is so cute at personal... Can I keep him?... I know the answer is no... No need to answer me *pout*.

" Qing-jie, you may let him come if you want." I suggested whispering at her.

" No, it's better this way. I don't want him to lie. I'll tell him the truth sooner." She answered still whispering.

" As you please." I whispered and left the two siblings to talk.

I was walking alone and thinking on who needs to be saved next.

Dafan Wens are out, Wangxian are in the process.... Wait!

Jin GuangYao...

He is here as Meng Yao...

With the right counselling, I can still bring him to the path of light.

Hope I'll manage to change his mind.

While walking around looking for him. I saw him. He just finished talking to my Da-ge.

I went near him and called him.

" Hi, your Meng Yao right?" I flashed a sweet smile at him.

" Yes, Young Lady Lan. What can this servant do for you?" He bowed in respect.

" Who's the servant and who's the master? You know we are a master of our own self. Don't let other people's word pollute your mind." I said to him and he look at me in surprise.

" What? Shocked? I heard a while ago that they are talking bad at you. You know don't listen to them. You're amazing just the way you are. They are just jealous because they are not as hard working as you." I said.

" It seems like Lady Lan knows me too well." He said.

" Believe me of not I know you very much. And please call me Yan Yan. I'm not use to people calling my Young Lady Lan or so." I said while smiling at him.

" What can this lowly one do to Yan Yan?" He asked while bowing.

" There again... I told you, don't degrade yourself. Just value everyone who is there for you and not those who think of you insignificant. I tell you if you change your mindset now it will make a great difference in the future." I advice and he smile at me.

" I guess it's better for us to talk somewhere else since we are at the middle of the road." He said and I brought him near the waterfalls.

" Since I came in cloud reccesses, this place had been my comfort place." I said as we sat down.

" Well your lucky that you are the niece of the sect leader that is why you have had a very good life." He said.

" Well I'm not that lucky as you think. I was ubducted at a young age and spent my days on the streets. Maybe you haven't noticed me but the Nie sect and I were together in travelling here in cloud reccesses. My mother died while looking for me while my father died while saving me.

I know that not all of the Lan Clan members approved me here but they can't speak it out loud because of the rules and my position as the only young lady of the main family of Lan.

Actually, I'm not the expected Lady Lan of the others. I'm not gentle, and definitely not so obedient. I love to gossip around and I'm very talkative as you can observe, but I just shrug those person away. Who care if they hate me as long as there are people who support me." I said while he listen quietly.

" I know you are hoping that your father would accept you. I know that this may be harsh to you but I must say this, stop fantasizing that he'll accept you. That bastard Sect Leader loves fooling around and too foolish. He can't think of anything other than a female pussy so better stay away from him as he will just pollute your brain.

I meet about 4 people who were victim of your father's broken promises. Your mother is not the only one whom he left after using and you have many more brother's or sisters that is also fatherless right now. But did they went to Jin Guangshan? No.

You know there are people who support you there. Take for example, Chifeng Zun. He trusted you much to make you his vice commander. I just hope you never break his trust. Nie Huaisang also treat you like a brother. A calculative mind like his don't just trust anyone. Remember them and see their care for you. As I can see a while ago, your eyes are also shinning after talking to da-ge, I can smell some love in the air a while ago... So don't do anything that can make them loss their great trust on you. Also, you deserve someone better than your father." I continued and he just stare at the floor.

" Da-ge must be looking for me now I better go. Hopefully you'll keep in mind what I said today and don't worry, if you really love my cousin I'll support you." I winked at him before going and leaving him alone there.

While I was walking to the main hall, I found Wei Wu Xian, Nie Huaisang and Jiang Cheng talking near the river and catching fishes. Nie Huaisang saw me and waved at me. I went near them.

" What are you doing?" I asked following my stoic cousin's facial expressions.

Jiang Cheng's eyes enlarge and he seemed afraid and nervous. Maybe he thought I'll punish them. Hehehehe... Let's have some fun.

" What are you doing here?" I asked again this time with a raised brows.

" Yan Yan wanna join?" Wei Wu Xian shouted as he is far from me. I just look at him and eyed Jiang Cheng and eyed him again to signalled that I'm scaring his brother.

"Ptffss..." Sounded both Nie Huaisang and Wei Wu Xian.

Jiang Cheng who didn't get what they are laughing at thought that Wei Wu Xian is playing around.

" Wei Wu Xian! Stop fooling around." He scolded WuXian.

" Why are you catching fishes here?" I asked still in my emotionless face.

" I'm so sorry Lady Lan. We do promise not to repeat it. We are going now." He said and bowed. He also signalled his 2 laughing companions to go.

" Did I ask you to go?" I said with an authoritarian voice.

He stop in his place.

" I asked you why are you catching fishes here..." I said with an authoritarian voice.

" Without even inviting me *pout*. Huaisang, WuXian how dare the both of you." I said cutely and both the boys I mentioned laugh while the purple robed man was shocked and frozen in his place.

" Next time you don't invite me I'll tell you to uncle." I threatened and went nearer to Huaisang...


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