9: Friends

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It's a new day at last.

I already finished my first minor mission.

I looked at my list again to see what is the most important thing to happen next.

Well since it's the second day, and if I'm not mistaken, today would be the day where Wei Wu Xian would tell his  theory on resentment. He would be sent out and today would be the start of their library date.

I must not change that part. Hehehehehe....

I just hope I was able to bring my phone. Even if there is no signal atleast I could be able to take some pictures of them. The live pictures and videos would be better than those drawn ones.

Well so sad I don't have phone, but being here is already a great pleasure.

Wait, I remember, Jin GuangYao is still here. I must convince him not anymore to dream on his father's approval. I know Lan Xichen loved him and vice versa. It's very obvious in the novel and even in the live action.

I must make a way to bring them together and not to make Meng Yao a villain.

I must also bring Jin Zixuan and Jiang Yanli together early. There is also Wen Qing and Jiang Cheng.

Wow. Now I became a MDZS matchmaker and Savior. This is amazing.

I came out of my quarters and went to see my very smiling Cousin.

" How was the sleep of my very righteous cousin?" I tease a little.

" Hey! Your cousin is really a good boy." He said.

" Let's join the lecture already." He said.

"I hope you don't have any mission this night. But last night was fun." He continued while whispering to me.

" Don't worry. I'll still bring you next time." I said and rolled my eyes.

" Let's go." I said as I drag him to the lecture hall.

" You know ge I have a new mission." I said with a smirk as we walk to the class.

" Your smirking. It means it's fun. Tag me along as you promised." He said to me.

" Don't you want to know what's my mission?" I asked sassily.

" What?" He asked.

" Finding the soulmate of my eldest cousin." I said and waited for him to realized what I said.

" Ahh... Okay let's search for your oldest cousin's soulmate... Wait what the..." When he finally realized I already ran away from him.

" Lan Hua Yan don't let me catch you." He said and ran after me.

I can't believe I made the sect heir of GusuLan break the rules.

I was laughing while running that I did not notice I already bump into someone.

" Running is prohibited in Cloud Reccesses." He said and I already know who it is.

" Yeah I know but please hide me away from an angry Jade." I said and hid at his back.

Seconds Later I heard someone running after me.

" Xiongzhang, running is prohibited." Lan Wangji said.

" Yeah, I'll take my punishment later but I'll punish our crazy cousin first." He said.

" Cursing is prohibited." I said peaking at him and hid behind Lan Wangji again.

" You... Come here I'll punish you." He said. I know he is already irritated.

I saw Meng Yao coming towards us with Nie Huaisang. I purposely ran towards them and hid behind Meng Yao.

" Please save me from an angry walking Jade." I said.

" Lan Hua Yan come here." Lan Xichen ordered.

" No. They will save me from you. Right?" I said cutely and Meng Yao chuckled.

" Yan Yan, what have you done?" Nie Huaisang asked.

" Sang-ge, I only told da-ge that I would find his soulmate because Lan Wangji already found his while da-ge don't have yet." I said loudly enough for Lan Wangji to hear.

Lan Wangji's brows knitted and looked at me.

" Nonsense." He said and went away.

" See my cousins are too nice to tease." I said and my two companions laughed.

Lan Xichen also went ahead but not without threatening me first.

" You really have a nerve to tease the twin Jades huh?" Nie Huaisang said.

" Well can't you see their expressions? It's priceless. I've always wanted to see that kind of faces in them." I said and Meng Yao laughed.

" Hi I'm Lan Hua Yan, you can call me Yan Yan." I said as I turned to Meng Yao and waved at him.

" Hello Yan Yan, I'm Meng Yao, you can call me Yao-ge." He said and smiled.

" Friends?" I asked while offering my hand for a hand shake.

He smiled and nodded and both of us shake hands.

Step one make Meng Yao friends complete.

Step two make him trust you starts.

" Let's get in already." I said and smiled at them.

We went in the Lecture hall and I saw Wen Qing restless.

" Wen Qing what's wrong?" I asked.

" My family.... Wen Rouhan just message me, someone burned our town and no one survived. I don't have any families already. Only me and A-Ning are left." He said and I hugged her.

" Good act. I'll bring you to them later. More details will be said later as well." I whispered and patted her back.

" Qing-jie, if you allow me to call you that? *She nod* I can also be your younger sister." I said and smiled.

" Thank you." She said and patted my head.

I know her thank you has hidden meaning that only three people can understand.

" Your always welcome Qing-jie." I said and we turned or head at the front and found my long beard uncle calling everyone's attention.

Well the fun part is about to start.

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