11: Library Date

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" Ofcourse, I won't miss my cousin's first date. Let's watch. It's fun. Let's watch the first day and the last day of the punishment. That is the best date they will have. I like Lan Wangji's reaction those times." I said and drag my cousin outside and went to the library.

We went and hide somewhere where we could see them.


Da-ge and I look at both of them.

Wei Wu Xian was not serious in writing the Sect rules but we could clearly see that Lan Wangji is stealing glances on him.

" Woah... I never see that kind of expression in Wangji's eyes. He seems in love." Da-ge said.

" Told you. They do love each other. It's just that the other one is oblivious and convincing himself that he is straight as a pole, while the other one is too shy and coward to accept his own feelings for the other, thus giving his beloved a glare instead of a loving stare." I said without losing my view of the two lovebirds.

"Those are some great characters! There of the top level!" Wei Wu Xian said as he went and look at what my cousin is writing.

If I am not mistaken, Lan Wangji is writing ancient books. Most probably just available in the Lan clan's library, because of its oldness.

Not given any reaction from Lan Wangji, Wei Wu Xian lean closer to him.

"Wangji-xiong!" He began to call out but did not receive any attention.

" Wangji." Still did not receive any  reaction.

" Lan Wangji." Lan Wangji appeared like he did not hear anything.

" Lan Zhan!" He finally stop writing and glared at the person who dared to call him in his birth name.

" Lan Zhan? I even don't call my brother in his birth name anymore." Lan Xichen said.

" Well we are the family and that one there is the lover." I said with a playful voice.

" Hey don't look at me like that. I only called you by your birth name since you didn't look at me when I called you Wangji. If your upset you can also call me with my birth name." We heard Wei Wu Xian speak.

" Put down your legs." Lan Wangji said sternly.

" See our of all places he only saw that his legs are improperly place and not that Wei Wu Xian is slouching and his bad posture. Where could my dear cousin be looking?" I asked mischievously and I heard da-ge chuckled softly.

" I never did see my brothers perverted side. Well if he could be happy with him, and if he is my brothers happiness then I'll support them." He said between chuckles.

" Welcome back to the ship captain Lan. Captain of the wangxian ship." I said and saluted at him.

" Wangxian ship?" He asked confused.

" Wangji and WuXian. Wangxian." I said to knock some sense in his brain.

" Now I get it." He said and shake his head at my immaturity.

" Lan Zhan, let me ask you a question... Do you really hate me that much?" Wei Wu Xian asked with all his seriousness.

" More likely love you much that he can't calm his heart while your near." I whispered so that only Da-ge can hear.

" Hey don't be like this. Ignoring me after saying a few words. I admit it's my fault and I apologize to you. Look at me." He continued.

" He can't his heart will explode." Da-ge said and I laugh.

" You don't like to talk with me? Sure then. I'll start talking. It was my fault that night. I know I'm wrong. I shouldn't have climb the wall, I shouldn't have bring an alcohol, and I shouldn't have fought with you. But I swear! It wasn't that I provoked you on purpose — I didn't look at the sect rules. The rules in the Jiang Sect are told verbally. None of them are written. Or else I wouldn't have done that." He said while looking at my brother.

" He is like a husband giving explaination to his angry wife." Da-ge commented.

" The only thing is he is the wife." I said and both of us laugh without noise.

" And let's be reasonable here. You are the first one Who attacked. We could have communicated nicely and cleared everything up. However if someone hit me I will definitely hit them back. This isn't all my fault. Lan Zhan are you listening? Look at me. Second young master Lan!" He continued but Lan Wangji is still silent.

"Second brother Lan, why don't you give me a favor and look at me?" He said.

" Copy it to an additional time." My dear cousin finally said.

" Don't be like this it's my fault alright." He said as he lean closer to Lan Wangji.

Lan Wangji exposed his life mercylessly,
" You do not feel any remorse."

Wei Wu Xian spoke as if he didn't have any dignity, " I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry. I can repeat it however many times you want me to. I can even say it while kneeling." My cousin finally look at him.

" That's a dangerous look." Da-ge commented.

" Maybe his heart can't take it anymore." I said with a smirk.

We saw that Wei Wu Xian tried to talk yet he can't.

" Silencing Spell? Wangji needs to control his using that. He's over using it to everyone." Da-ge said sadly.

" I want to listen more." He whined.

" We can watch the last day. It's the best library date they ever had and Lan Wangji has very good reaction there." I said with a mischievous look.

" But for now my dear da-ge you must definitely need to teach me the silencing Spell." I said and drag him away from the library. There is not much that happens there according to the book.


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