4:Meeting Wangxian.

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After Lan Xichen or shall I say Da-ge left, I went out of my quarters and roam around after sometime of roaming around I smell something delicious. I began to follow where the smell lead me to.


When the smell gets stronger I was already outside of one of the guest chamber. When I was about to knock there was a beautiful female dress in purple robes who came out of the door. When she saw me she smiled at me and greeted me. She is Jiang Yanli if I'm not mistaken. Her gentleness is evident in her face.

" Good afternoon Lady Lan what brings you here?" She asked me with all her gentleness.

" Umm Lady Jiang I have smell something while roaming around and I decided to follow the fragrance and it brought me here. What are you cooking?" I said humbly.

" I'm cooking for my brothers. You wanna try some?" She asked me and I nodded.

She let me get in and let me eat her homemade food.

" It's so dilicious." I said as I continue to eat.

" Lady Lan you are quit unique. You are not like any other Lan. You're a bit jolly compared to them." She told me.

" First just call me Yan Yan. I'm younger than you. Second I just come here yesterday. I was ubducted when I was nine and I live in the street for sometime. Both my parents came to look for me. Now both of them are dead." I said with no emotion.

" I'm sorry." She said.

" It's fine."

" Since you are younger you can call me li-jie, A-jie or Yanli-jie." She smiled.

" Yes Jie." I responded.

" It's already seven I gotta go now jie. See you next time." I said as I finish my meal and went out.

But before I could truly go out someone shouted from the outside, " a-jie, Wei Wu Xian is lost again. We just reach here and he is up to trouble again." Base from the tone of his voice I know for certain that he is Jiang Cheng.

I did not bother anymore to wait 'cause I know Da-ge is now waiting in Ting Yuan.

When I reach my quarters, he is there waiting for me.

" Where did you go?" He asked.

" I went to the Jiang's and Li-jie offered me a free dilicious meal." I said straightforwardly.

" Let's wait till nine then let's follow Lan Wangji." I said.

" Okay."

" Wangxian ship is ready to sail."

" Wangxian?" He asked.

" Wangji and A-Xian. Are you ready to meet our brother-in-law da-ge." I said.

" What time is it already?" He asked.

" Quarter to nine." I said.

" Let's follow him now." He said impatiently.

" Patience da-ge. That person is still buying emperor smile right now. If you are really willing to wait there so let's go." I said as I can sense his excitement.

We went to where Wangxian will meet each other while following Lan Wangji.

After about an hour, we saw a foot trying to drag it's body up.

" Gosh we cannot hear them." I said.

" Not a problem." He said and fish out a talisman and throw it to them and it stick in the nearby watchtower Pilar.

With the help of that we can hear their conversation with the use of the other talisman. It worked like a microphone and speaker.

" Emperor Smile, I will give you one and you pretend I did not see you." Wei Wu Xian said smiling.

" Bribing the law inforcer additional violation."

" You're such a fuddy duddy. You know what let's talk tomorrow Shijie and Jiang Cheng are waiting for me. So I have to go now." Wei Wu Xian told my son called cousin.

" Da-ge can you see Wangji's ears turning red?" I asked.

" Yes. He is shy?" He asked.

" Ofcourse that's how you feel when you fell in love. You are shy when you face your crush." I said and smiled.

We looked at the both of them again and they begin to fight.

Well they fought like in the novel.

" Okay, if alcohol is forbidden in cloud reccesses then I won't go in." Wei Wu Xian said and drink the emperor smile infront of Wangji.

Wangji was angry and they both fight again until Wei Wu Xian was able to escape.

" Da-ge I want to tease my cousin let's meet him. Let's just pretend we didn't see anything." I said and stood up bringing da-ge with me.

Lan Wangji saw us coming and asked, " Who is there?"

" Wangji it's me." Da-ge said and showed ourselves.

" Sorry but I cannot sleep so I went to Hanshi and called da-ge. Since I wasn't really sleepy he told me to guard tonight and replace you for the moment." I said.

He stood unmoved.

" I know your wondering why she is calling me da-ge. Wangji she is Yan Yan, Lan Hua Yan, our lost cousin. Daughter of Uncle Jing." Da-ge explained.

" Since he is da-ge you're Er-ge, but I know you hate to be called gege so I'll call you Xiongzhang." His brows meet.

" Since your calling da-ge, Xiongzhang, I sense you don't like to be called gege so I'll call you Xiongzhang too." I said and smiled.

" Xiongzhang, since I met you why your ears turned red. I guess it is already red before we meet. Whom have you met earlier." I tease.

He just looked at me and go.

" See he's shy. He won't admit it." I said to da-ge.

" It's true, but how did you know?" He asked.

" Secret... Now let's go I still have 400 silvers and fans to claim." I said and go back to my quarters

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