Love Is A Dagger

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The next morning.

Elora dragged herself to the training fields on feet that felt like they were encased in stone. When Yrsa had come to collect her for breakfast that morning she'd groaned into her pillow and yelled at the goddess that she'd wanted to sleep in. To her credit Yrsa didn't protest, having seen how the last week had tired her friend, but she did insist that Elora still make it to training. So an hour later she woke up, brain still trying to function after staying up later than ever to finish Eir's reading last night. After Loki had left her in the library Elora couldn't focus and now as she entered the training field and saw the others warming up she wondered if any of last night had really happened or if she'd just started to lose her mind.

Loki stood with Thor and Yrsa listening to them chat about the inane daily ins and outs around the castle when he noticed Elora walk through the gates to the yard, rubbing at her eyes. He allowed his gaze to roam over her, taking time to appreciate the unusual sight of her trousered legs and when she spotted them, her steps halting slightly, he let himself revel a bit in how much, he'd begun to notice, he truly affected her.

"Something funny, Loki?" Thor asked with a clap to Loki's shoulder, noticing his grin.

Loki shook his head. "Not at all, brother, just happy to be out enjoying this glorious morning."

"Right." Thor replied as he noticed what drew Loki's attention.

"Oh look El's finally crawled out of bed we can get started." Yrsa stated loudly as she waved and began to walk towards the elven woman.

"Ellie!" Elora's head turned slowly at the sound of Fandral calling her name as he jogged towards her. As he came near his face fell in concern and he placed a hand on her shoulder. "You look like you just fought a fire drake, are you feeling alright?"

"Yes," she said with a small nod. "Just a bit tired, late night."

"Are you sure you want to train today?" he asked, this hand trailing down her arm stopping to grasp hers. "You look likely to fall over if you try to lift a sword."

"That is why I have decided to grace you all with my presence today." Elora turned to find Loki standing beside her. Why hadn't I noticed him approaching?

"You came to laugh at Ellie as she's trying to learn?" Fandral asked with a scoff and as he pulled her back, stepping in front of her with crossed arms and the scene in front of her went white as she slipped into a vision.

"You did marvelously, El. I'm impressed." Vision Loki said as he spoke to Elora over her shoulder.

"Is that true, El?" Yrsa asked, having joined the group near the gates.

Elora shook her head, coming back to the present moment. "I'm sorry, what?"

"Did you just have a vision?" Yrsa's voice was excited at the prospect.

Elora's visions, while uncontrollable and infrequent, usually occurred more often when she was tired or under a lot of stress and Yrsa always loved to hear about them and try to piece together when an event would occur or what was the context of the premonition. Elora however found this one to be unbelievable, the prince's face just inches from hers.

"Yes, but it was uh, nothing important. What were you saying?"

"I was telling Fandral and my sister that when we met late last night you mentioned you might quit training if you had to lift another sword today." Loki placed an emphasis on the words 'late last night'.

"You want to quit?" Yrsa and Fandral asked in unison and Elora could see Thor, Sif and the rest of the warriors three watching this exchange from the center of the yard with varied expressions.

"No, no. I'm just a bit sore is all, I could use a break."

"Which is why I've come with a solution." Loki lifted his hands and two small gleaming daggers appeared. "I'm going to teach you how to fight with these. They are lighter, faster and the goal is to be in and out, not spend all your energy parrying and clanging metal together."

Elora had tried to protest and that she would be fine but Thor and Yrsa both insisted it was a wonderful idea for her to learn multiple weapons and Loki assured her he would not have offered if he didn't want to help her. So as the rest of the group split off to practice with larger weapons and more skill Loki spent the morning working with Elora. And the next. And the next. And the next. 

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