The Fight for Home

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Yrsa had gotten as many people out of the city and into the mountains as possible. However, that did not stop the growing unrest among those left behind. Hela had raised an army of dead including a great grey wolf and the common folk, uneasy with their presence, were starting to show their anger. So now she stood beside the throne as Hela spoke to Skurge, granting him a weapon and the title of executioner.

As her sister announced they would be beginning their conquest and headed out of the palace Yrsa whispered, "Heimdall, be ready to move. She will start looking soon.


Thor closed his eyes and called out to Heimdall. Lost and alone with no idea what to do next he hoped the gatekeeper might be able to offer him guidance. When he felt the allsight take over he opened his eyes to find he now stood in the high halls of one of Asgard's towers.

"I see you but you're far away." Heimdall spoke as Thor looked around.

"What's going on here?"

The gatekeeper jerked his head. "Come see for yourself." Thor followed through the halls to one of the large windows that looked out over the city as Heimdall spoke. "Yrsa has been sending people away in secret. I'm providing refuge in a stronghold built by our ancestors as she tries to come up with another plan but if the garrison falls our only escape will be the Bifrost."

"You're talking about evacuating Asgard?" They could hear growls and they and the people around them pressed into the alcoves along the walls.

"We won't last long if we stay. Hela draws her power from Asgard and she grows stronger every day." He commanded the people to follow him before taking off away from the sounds of the beasts roaming about. Once they were on their way Heimdall turned back to Thor. "Hela is ravenous. If we let her leave she will consume the Nine Realms and all the cosmos. We need you."

"I'm working on it. But I don't even know where the Hel I am."

Heimdall looked over Thor's shoulder and started to back up, reaching for his sword. "You're on a planet surrounded by doors. Go through one."

"But which one," Thor asked as Heimdall readied to swing.

"The big one!"


Loki was being escorted to the Grandmaster beside 142 and from the dozen guards with weapons at his back he could tell it would not be a friendly visit.

"I'm upseeeet," the Elder called from a floating platform as they approached and then went into a manic rant.

Loki stood, chin held high, as he looked around the room cautiously taking in the current mood. He had heard, as everyone had, about Thor and Hulk escaping earlier and he was going to try and use it to his advantage.

"My dear friend, if you would grant me the safe return of my paramour we will bring you my brother and your champion in twelve hours."

"I could do it alone in two." 142 cut in and Loki cut her a glare.

"We could do it in one, Elora has the power to locate them." He knew she wouldn't but he didn't need her to. He just needed her out of the cells so he could get them off this planet. Best laid plans be damned now, they had to flee no matter the cost.

"I don't trust your little witch," the Grandmaster put an angry hand on his hip and looked between the two. "But here's a little motivation for the both of you. I'm in the mood for an execution. Whoever brings them to me first lives." With that he shooed them away.


Thor and Banner followed the Valkyrie. Less than a few hours ago she'd refused to help him and he wasn't entirely sure he could trust her now but he didn't have many other options.

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