When Death Knocks

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Loki landed on the grass with a hard thump and groaned before rolling over and sitting up. A few feet away Thor stood, eyes locked on a familiar figure at the cliff's edge. Without a word his brother started toward Odin and Loki rose in trepidation before following slowly.

"Father, it's us," Thor spoke gently as Loki reached them, coming to stand on Odin's other side gazing at the ground a niggling sense of shame causing him to clench his jaw.

"My sons," Odin spoke, still looking out to sea and Loki turned toward him then confusion over taking his mind at the lack of anger and he noticed Elora coming to a stop several feet behind them. "I've been waiting for you."

"I know, we've come to take you home." Thor's words were gentle, placating and Loki had a strange feeling that something wasn't right. A shift in air brought warning.

"Home, yes. Your mother, she calls me," Odin looked into the air around them. "Do you hear it?"

"Loki, lift you magic." Thor's tone was contained rage.

Loki met his eye and started to shake his head when Odin began to chuckle.

"El wasted no time in breaking me from your spell once she found me. Though no doubt I'd have been able to myself eventually." All three men turned to the elven woman who only bowed her head to her king who smiled softly before speaking again. "It was clever though; Frigga would have been proud." Odin turned back to the sea and moved toward a large boulder near its edge. "Come and sit with me. I don't have much time.

"I know we failed you but we can make this right," Thor held his father's arm as they sat but Odin shook his head.

"I failed you. It is upon us. Ragnarok."

Thor jumped in, confused. "No, I've stopped Ragnarok. I put an end to Surtur."

"No, it has already begun. She is coming. My life was all that held her back but my time has come. I cannot keep her away any longer."

The brothers looked at each other worriedly before Loki glanced back to Elora, still in the same spot with hands folded neatly before her, and Thor asked. "Father, who are you talking about?"

"Goddess of Death. Hela. My firstborn. Your sister." Thor's was having trouble breathing as Odin continued. "Her violent appetites grew beyond my control. I couldn't stop her so I imprisoned her. Locked her away. She draws her strength from Asgard and once she gets there her power will be limitless."

Elora could just barely hear Odin over the wind and the sea but she didn't need to. Not really. Odin hadn't told her everything when she had found him but he had told her enough that she could fill in the blanks to some degree of accuracy. While her shoulders lifted at no longer having to hold her kings secrets her heart grew angry at the thought of what was coming. If this goddess's power became limitless on Asgard then Elora was ready and willing to do whatever she needed to stop her from getting there. She would not lose another home.

As Odin's form faded and began to blow away as a golden dust in the breeze a single tear rolled down her cheek as she started toward Thor and Loki.

When she came near Thor whirled on her and thunder rumbled in the distance. "How long, how long have you known about Loki's ruse, how long did you know he was here?"

"Not long after we left Asgard." She held her chin high as she replied.

He stormed toward her. "And you didn't tell me?"

"I could not."

"How could you, how could you keep this from me, from us, Yrsa! El, we are your friends. I am your PRINCE!"

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