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Five hundred and forty three years later.

The patient on the bed in front of Elora flinched hard enough that he broke her concentration as Yrsa came bursting through the doors to the infirmary.

"Apologies, lady," Bordrear said as Elora repositioned her hands over the dwarves' injury. "I didn't know the princess would be joining our session today."

"She wasn't supposed to, my dear Bordrear, but you try telling a royal when and where they can't go and see how well it works for you." Elora smiled brightly at the man.

"I'm sure it is no easy feat, especially with this one." Bordrear joked as Yrsa came to stand beside his bed.

"I am an uncontrollable force and you are smart to recognize it." Yrsa spoke gleefully as she watched Elora's hands glow with a soft light as they passed over Bordrear's burn scars.

The injury was decades old and had kept the man from many daily tasks. The dwarven healers had done all they could for him at the time but he'd still been permanently damaged. Until a few months ago when Yrsa and Elora had arrived. In the five hundred years since leaving Asgard Elora had become a sought after healer in many realms, having mastered her magic to a point that she could not only heal deep and deadly wounds with a simple touch but she could also heal nerve and tissue damage no matter how old, although it would take more time depending on how bad the damage had been. She'd even mastered ways to regress chronic or deteriorating illnesses and diseases.

"To what do we owe the pleasure of your company, Princess?" Elora spoke over her shoulder as she focused on the task in front of her.

She could feel the excitement rolling off her friend in waves as Yrsa spoke. "I just got a message from Heimdall."

"Oh, are we to expect a visit from Thor and the others soon?"

"No, even better," Yrsa put a hand to Elora's shoulder. "Father has decided it is time for Thor to ascend. Our presence is requested in Asgard at the end of the month to prepare for the coronation."

Elora shook her head but smiled. "That's wonderful. I'm very happy for Thor and I'm sure your parents will be glad for the time with you on your visit, you've barely been to see them in the last hundred years."

"Yes and apparently mother is so excited to have you back she's already having your old rooms prepared."

"Why go to all that trouble for one night?" Elora asked as she finished running her hands along Bordrear's leg. The poor man's eyes wide as he listened to the two women go back and forth.

"Did you not just hear me?"

"Thank you Bordrear, I will see you next week." El stood and began to clean up her supplies, the large man nimbley sliding from the table and moving around them as Elora spoke to Yrsa. "Yes, I heard you. You're going at the end of the month to prepare for the coronation which I'm assuming will take some time, a few weeks at least, and then your brother will be crowned."

"No, WE will be going at the end of the month to prepare for the coronation. My parents have specifically stated you are to come with me."

Elora paused her packing. She had not set foot on Asgard in over half a millennia. Frigga had sent requests over the centuries that she visit but she had grown busy, her work in Vanaheim being stressful and hectic at first and then as her skills grew so did her travel schedule around the realms to help as many as she could, not allowing her to take time off. She had seen the king and queen in other realms as they traveled though so the issue of her return had never been truly pressed. So why now would they want her to spend weeks in the castle? It's not like she would ever miss Thor's coronation so they couldn't be worried about her trying to avoid that. She didn't understand.

"Yrsa you know as well as I that I cannot take that much time from my duties. I wouldn't miss the coronation but that's only for a day. Anything more than that would be outrageous."

Yrsa handed Elora a folded piece of paper, a familiar wax seal broken on it. "By decree of the king, Lady Elora will be spending the month prior to the royal coronation in Asgard, working part time. Any subject of the realms in need of her long term or repetitive care is to be brought by bifrost to a special station set up for her work. Palace healers will be sent in her place to take over for any emergency situations that may arise. Read it if you want but I'm pretty sure I got it word for word."

Apparently Elora had no choice in her return to Asgard. 

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