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Despite her lack of sleep Elora nearly skipped through the gardens as she and Yrsa made their way to the training field. Loki had stayed in her rooms late into the night walking her through step for a few of the most popular dances. It wasn't that she didn't know them, no growing up a royal ward she'd had plenty of instruction, she was just bad at dancing and when she finally got old enough she just avoided the affair as much as possible. After an hour of fumbling around and stepping on his toes so many times she thought they must be broken she'd wanted to give up and spare him anymore torture, how could he teach her to be more graceful anyways, but he'd said he was fine and that she was doing well, a lie she could never believe, and they kept going.

So while she still thought she could be out danced by a Kronan, as they greeted their friends in the yard, she also felt a little less ill at ease about the fête.

In the midst of the group's good morning and talk of their plans for the day Fandral came toward her.

"Good morning, Ellie. We missed you at supper last night. Were you feeling alright?"

"Oh yes, I just," she started but was cut off as Loki came to stand beside her.

"I'm sure after her tumble yesterday Elora wanted to rest."


"Good morning, brother!"

Loki looked over his shoulder to see Thor coming towards him with his usual dopey smile but he kept walking. He had no desire to allow an interaction with his brother ruin his good mood. Unfortunately for him Thor had other plans.

"Loki," Thor said, running to catch up. "How are you this morning?"

"Fine," Loki narrowed his eyes at his brother's unusual question. "Why?"

Thor's answering grin made Loki even more uneasy. "I just didn't see you at supper last night."

"Yes, well, I decided to dine in my rooms."

"Is that so?" Thor asked and his face held a hint of knowing. Loki only nodded. "You know, El wasn't at supper last night either."

Loki quickened his pace, irritated that his brother, the oaf, thought he had figured out some grand mystery. This thing, the time he was spending with Elora to whatever end, was his and he didn't want his brother or anyone for that matter to stick their noses in it. "I don't see how the two are related."

"Usually I wouldn't either," smugness dripped from Thor's tone as he spoke. "But with El's fall yesterday I went to check on her and the strangest thing happened."

Loki felt his jaw clench and he stopped walking to stare at Thor.

"When I went to knock on her door I heard laughter. Hers and yours."

"You must be mistaken, brother. As I said, I was in my rooms last night."

Thor clapped a hand on Loki's shoulder and forced them to begin walking again. "Come now, Loki, there's no need to be shy about it. I definitely heard you last night and don't think I haven't noticed the time you've been spending with her in the training yard recently."

"Again, I don't know what you're talking about."

"Loki, I'm not an idiot."

"That's debatable." Loki mumbled and Thor stopped walking again.

Thor's tone was clearly more irritated as he replied. "I'm just trying to tell you I'm excited for you, Loki. El is sweet and she'd be good for you if you were together. Why can't you just accept my congratulations?"

She'd be good for you. If Loki ever questioned what his brother thought of him his words had just made it clear. As if Loki needed someone, as if he wasn't good enough on his own and as he was. Well he wouldn't give Thor the satisfaction.

He growled his reply. "Because your congratulations are unwarranted. Nothing is, nor will there be, anything going on and I would appreciate you dropping the subject."

Loki was still stewing over Thor's words as they idled in the training yard waiting for Yrsa and Elora. He had resolved to show his brother just how wrong he'd been and end this fickle dalliance all in one fell swoop. Elora was a passing fancy, one he'd gladly toss aside to make Thor look like a fool. When his sister and the elven woman entered and began their chorus of good mornings he ignored her, staying off to the side until he heard the rogue asking after Elora's whereabouts the previous night.

"Oh yes, I just," she started but he cut her off before she could reveal they'd been together.

"I'm sure after her tumble yesterday Elora wanted to rest." Loki bit his tongue, trying not to say any more as Elora looked up at him confused. "Right, Lady?"

She turned back to Fandral with a small, fake smile on her lips as she nodded. "Yes, that's right."

"Well, I hope you got the rest you needed then?" Fandral asked and Elora nodded again, this time without speaking.

"Before we get started I did have something to ask you, if you don't mind?" Loki stiffened as Fandral moved closer to Elora and Thor began to watch the exchange from a few feet away.

She hummed and Fandral put on a winning smile. "Would you do me the honor of accompanying me to the fête?"

The group quieted as everyone turned to look at Elora but she looked up at Loki again. His stoney gaze was not on her or on Fandral but on Thor and he did not seem to be stepping in to lay a claim as her escort. She couldn't be surprised really, especially since he'd just blocked her from telling anyone they'd been together last night. She'd told herself not to get her hopes up but she still couldn't help but feel a small stab of pain as she met Fandral's gaze again. "The honor would be mine."

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