I Understand

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Two months later

"You're total is $23.54." The barista looked expectantly at Stephen who looked down at Elora.

"My black coffee was two dollars," his tone was annoyed and he held a hand out to her only half expectantly. "Did Wong give you money for his large, iced monstrosity and snacks?"

"No," she slipped a hand into the pocket of the thin coat she'd found in one of the closets at the sanctum and he again marveled that the brutal New York winter didn't affect her more than just a slight chill. "I told him lunch was on me and so is your coffee." She pulled out a credit card and handed it to him.

His eyes widened at the black Amex he now held in his hand...with her name on it. "I'm not using this." He said handing it back to her, sure that it must be one of her illusions because what other explanation was there for her, an actual alien, to have a black Amex.

She rolled her eyes before snatching the card from his hand and sliding it through the machine in front of the incredibly patient barista. "It's real." She hissed irritatedly under her breath as they stepped down the bar to wait for their order.

"How?" He looked at her bewildered. Even at the height of his medical career he couldn't have gotten a black Amex, which probably worked out in his favor considering what happened and his spending habits, but still.

"My best friend is being courted by a billionaire who knows taking care of me pleases her so as long as I remain on Midgard," she paused to thank another barista as they set down their order. Handing him his coffee her fingers met his as she continued. "Tony Stark remains my benefactor. Though I try not to abuse his generosity."

"Stephen?" A familiar female voice called out his name and he snatched his hand away from Elora so quickly a few drops of hot coffee spilled onto his skin.

"Christine," he said, turning to the red head as he switched his cup to his other hand wiping the scalding drops off on his pant leg. Next to her, their hands interlocked, stood a tall black man with a kind smile and Stephen had to shake his head a little to focus on making words come out of his mouth. "How are you?"

"I'm good," Christine said with a smile. "Really good."

"That's great." He replied before an awkward silence took over as they stared at each other.

The man holding Christine's hand nudged her elbow gently.

"Uh, this is Charlie, Charlie this is Stephen." Christine gestured between the two men in introduction but gave no explanation of who they were to her like none was needed or as if she was uncomfortable putting it into words.

"Nice to meet you!" Charlie stuck out the hand not holding Christine's to shake Stephen's and he took it cautiously. "I've heard so much about you."

"I'd say the same," Stephen pulled his hand back. "But I've never heard of you."

He felt a small kick to his ankle from Elora as Christine spoke quickly looking up at Charlie.

"Well, we haven't talked in a while so I haven't exactly had the chance..."

"Right, of course." Charlie nodded vigorously before the awkward silence fell over them again.

"So, you two..." Stephen trailed off, unable to finish his question but Christine answer swiftly.

"Yeah, yep. A few months now." Her gaze shifted to Elora. "And you and?"

"Oh," Stephen's head whipped back and forth between the two women as he stumbled over his words. "No, we're not...I'm not...she's."

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