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Working from Asgard was a strange exercise for Elora. Many of the healers from the palace came to Himinbjorg to watch her work and ask questions and she had no experience in teaching so she would often stumble over her words or give poor answers until one day Eir showed up and took control, setting a schedule for those who wanted to watch Elora, so the castle infirmary was not understaffed and to work between Elora and those asking questions. Eir, it turned out, was very good at asking leading questions to get the right information from Elora.

One particularly hard day Eir cut the lessons short and shooed away all those eager to learn, and Elora had to work late into the evening to get through everyone on her list.

After Heimdall opened the gate to send her last patient home he turned to her. "You've been quite popular since your return, Lady."

"It seems that way," Elora smiled as she finished cleaning up her work space. "I've been meaning to apologize and thank you for not complaining about having to share a space with me, especially since it's been so chaotic. I'm sure you'll be glad when the coronation is over and you get your peaceful gatehouse back."

"Actually I've enjoyed the company, it can get a little lonely out here, day after day."

"Well then I'm happy to be able to provide you with entertainment." She said as a guard approached on horseback to take her up to the castle.

"Speaking of entertainment, are you planning on getting up to anything tonight?"

"I'm not really sure. I'll have to see if I can track down Yrsa if I don't collapse in bed the moment I get back to my room. Why do you ask?"

"The princess and your friends are all in the training yards getting into trouble. I heard her talking earlier, hoping you would finish up early enough to join them. I think they are planning on going to the clearing for a swim once night falls."

"Well then it sounds like I should head straight there." She said with a smile before climbing onto the horse behind the guard.


Loki's sour mood hadn't lifted once in the two weeks since Elora and Yrsa returned home. The threefold assault of Yrsa regaling everyone with her tails of diplomacy on her travels with Elora, Elora's constant familiarity with Fandral and Thor's arrogance about his upcoming ascension left him little room to breathe. So fueled by several goblets of wine, or more, when he passed his siblings and their friends goofing off and wrestling in the training yard he decided to let off a little steam.

"What do we have here?" His voice was honeyed as he spoke, placating the group into thinking he was there for just a little fun.

"Ah, Loki, good oh you to join us!" Thor called as he rose from the ground where Yrsa had pinned him. The crown prince too was clearly a little ways into his cups as he swayed upon standing. "We're just wasting a bit of time before Elora arrives, we are going to try and talk her into a night swim. You should join us."

Loki grinned. "Do I get to participate in the current activities?"

"Only if you go up against me!" Thor's grin was huge and genuine but Loki couldn't see past the malice in his own heart.


They circled each other for a moment, each trying to gauge the others intentions before they both lunged. Thor's size gave him an advantage but Loki was nimble and slippery. So even though Thor got Loki off his feet first Loki was quick to recover and turn on his brother. Back and forth they went for a while, in the same manner and Loki began to grow frustrated at his inability to best Thor.

After a particularly hard hit from the crown prince Loki snapped, pulling daggers from the air and beginning to swing, slicing a long cut across Thor's face before the oaf pulled away.

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