A Visitor On Asgard

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Elora walked the outer halls of the palace enjoying the sunlight streaming through the pillars. She had been restless last night after seeing Loki and her mind had wandered through dark places until the early hours of the morning. Her initial reaction to his letters had been volatile and she'd allowed the rage that had torn through her to cloud her judgment when she'd broken into his cell and she was sure she'd face the consequences of that soon enough. But for now she just wanted to enjoy being here, in the light, and in the splendor of Asgard before she returned to Fensalir, where she would hide away until she was needed again. Because if she stayed here she was not sure she could resist the seed inside her that wanted to forgive him and she wasn't ready for that yet. She had decided, more for Frigga's sake than Loki's, to stop the nightmares but that was all she was willing to give in on for now.

"Elora dear," Frigga called with a bright smile from down the hall.

Elora returned the queen's smile as she curtsied. "Good morning, my queen."

"I am happy to see you are still with us." Frigga gestured down the hall, silently asking for Elora to follow her.

"Was there something else you needed from me?" Elora asked, turning to head the way Frigga had indicated.

"Possibly," Frigga pushed her shoulders back as if bracing for something. "Thor has brought Jane Foster to Asgard."

Elora stopped in her tracks.

"Yes, I know," Frigga continued. "But it seems she is ill and I am hoping you might be able to help."

"Frigga," Elora shook her head. "I cannot, I am not a healer anymore. Surely Eir and the others-"

"Jane has been looked at by Eir. Jane's ailment is of a magical nature. Come, I will tell you as we head to meet them."


"What's going to happen to me?" They heard Jane almost whisper from the passage where Frigga had stopped. Allowing Thor his moment.

"I'll find a way to save you, Jane."

"Your father said there was-"

"My father does not know everything."

Frigga nodded to Elora and they stepped from the passage as the queen spoke. "Don't let him hear you say that."

Thor straightened with excitement at the sound of his mothers voice and his joyous smile only grew when he saw Elora accompanied the queen. "Jane Foster. Please meet Frigga, queen of Asgard and my mother."

Jane stepped back nervously and nodded a hello to the queen.

"Jane," Frigga greeted her softly and Elora stepped up beside Thor.

"And," Thor grinned widely. "One of my dearest friends, Lady Elora."

Elora held out a hand to Jane, who took it expecting a handshake, and pulled the scientist into a tight hug. "It is an honor to meet you, Jane. I have heard so much about you."

"Oh," Jane stood awkwardly for a moment before returning the embrace. "I, uh, I've heard so much about you too."

"No need to lie to save my feelings," Elora stepped back and elbowed Thor softly. "I am sure you had much more interesting things to speak of in your time together than me."

Thor scratched at the back of his head with a guilty look when Frigga spoke up.

"There will be plenty of time for teasing later. Jane, will you fill us in on what happened to you and what Odin said as we head to my chambers? Elora has a unique knowledge of both healing and magic and may be able to come up with a few ideas."

So they walked together and Elora listened carefully as Jane retold the events that led to the artifact entering into her. The Midgardian gravitational anomaly, the strange stone, the time shift and then Thor arriving. Elora asked several questions, trying to to interrupt but when Jane and Thor relayed what Eir had said and then the accounts Odin revealed about the dark elves, Elora stopped.

"Jane, may I see your arm?" Elora asked, holding out a hand.

The mortal looked back to Thor who nodded and she pulled back her sleeve, placing her arm in Elora's outstretched hand.

Much the way that Odin had in the healing room Elora ran her hand over Jane's arms but her eyes clouded over as she did so. She could see the red liquid moving under Jane's skin as well as the discussion and display that they had had with Odin in the libraries earlier. When her consciousness did not seem to threaten the relic she began to prod deeper, trying to see the core of its attraction to Jane. Moving deeper she began to feel as if there were eyes watching her, like the relic had a mind of its own and was curious about the creature studying it. The relic opened its eyes to her and when she met their crimson gaze and felt herself yanked forward, pulled through space at lightning speed before halting abruptly in front of an elven man with white hair, his ice blue irises surrounded by black sclera. He was familiar but she could not place him so she stepped forward to examine him closer. When she did his nostrils flared and his eyes snapped to hers before a smile that looked more like a snarl crossed his lips.

A blaring alarm sounded and Elora was ripped back to the present, standing with the others.

"The prisons." Frigga said worriedly as she looked off into the distance.

"Loki..." Thor and Elora said at the same time.

"Go," Frigga told them. "I will look after Jane."

They looked at each other and headed up the stairs to a balcony, Thor tossing off his cloak before grabbing Elora and taking off, heading towards the dungeons. 

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