Where There Is A Will

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Loki ran, his blood boiling, to catch up to Jane and his brother. He had no plans to return to his cell despite what Thor had in mind. He'd been willing to give up on his fight for a crown if he could have Elora, if she would have just come with him. He would reformed himself, stopped his plans and undermining, would have done anything she wanted to make her happy but if she wanted nothing to do with him he saw no need to put aside his other pursuits.


Yrsa waited with Volstagg outside the dark elves' ship as her brothers approached with Jane.

As Thor and Volstagg exchanged words she stepped up to Loki. "It's good to see you out and about, brother. The dungeons did you no favors."

"They are not a place I enjoyed being," his eyes slid towards Thor.

Yrsa placed a hand on his shoulder and spoke low. "If you can pull this off, hopefully we can make it so you do not return to them."

His eyes met hers again and she saw a flicker, of regret or sorrow she could not be sure, and then he smiled. "Yes, hopefully."


Elora sat in a cell with Yrsa, Heimdall, Sif, Volstagg and Fandral but she could not hear their murmurings as she scried on Loki and Thor. Looking across worlds was not easy but she had come prepared, expecting to eventually end up here, with components sewn into her skirts that would help extend her reach.

She could feel hands start to shake her, trying to pull her from her trance when she let out a gasp as the spear went through Loki's chest but she threw up her hands and pushed them all away.

Tears fell from her cheeks as she watched the small scene, Just the faces of Loki and Thor as they exchanged their last words.

"I will tell father what you did here today." Thor's words were strangled as he held his brother.

"I didn't do it for him."

Loki's eyes closed and Elora couldn't hold onto her concentration any longer. Slipping back into her body she looked around her and held back tears as she stood.

"We need to go, Heimdall, find your sword and meet me at the gatehouse." With a wave of her hand the barrier of the cell dropped and she jumped down. "Malekith has the Aether."

"If she could do that the whole time why were we sitting in here?" Fandral whispered.

Elora felt footsteps pounding beside her and she turned to see Yrsa keeping step. "Where are we going?"

"The forges and then to Thor."

Not soon enough they reached the Himinbjorg, the Aether container held tightly in Elora's hands, and saw large black clouded tendrils reaching through holes in the universe.

"Open the bridge!" Yrsa yelled to Heimdall but he shook his head.

"It's too unstable, the convergence makes it impossible to direct the bridge."

Yrsa cursed but Elora looked up.

"The tendrils are coming from Malekith?" She asked the gatekeeper.


"Then we don't need the bridge." She pulled Yrsa's shield from her back, tossing it to the ground and stepping on it. "If you're coming, princess, I suggest you hold on tightly."

Yrsa stepped on the small disc and wrapped one arm around Elora, the other clutching the container Elora had shoved into her grasp before she raised her arms and the shield sent them shooting towards the darkness, a glowing blue light wrapped around them for protection.

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