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Thor and Elora skidded around the corner into the start of a brawl. Glass was shattered on the floor and Elora could hear Yrsa's growl as Thor leapt onto the large box in the room, raising his hammer and bringing lightning down around him.

Everyone stood frozen for just a moment when the lightning stopped before the box exploded, throwing Thor back through the air but before he crashed to the ground Elora threw her hands up, halting his movement and righting him. She started towards him but he put up a hand. Rising from the box was a naked red being, a glittering gem in his forehead. She felt a shiver run through her when he stood fully and she didn't have time to throw up a shield before he went after Thor.

Thor, however, had been ready and tossed the being over his shoulder, sending him flying through glass. The being stopped before he went through the outside windows though and as he hovered Yrsa came up beside her.

"So nice of you to join us," the princess remarked, eyes glued on the being like everyone else. "Maybe next time you can let someone know where you're going before you run off?"

"Apologies," Elora created a shimmering blue barrier cutting across the room in front of them. "It was a very unexpected trip and your brother didn't exactly give me any warning."

The being turned slowly and began to float towards them as the group gathered. When a small brunette came up beside her Elora felt that strange sense of familiarity again.

"I'm sorry," the being spoke to Thor. "That was...odd. Thank you."

Steve approached the two men when Elora dropped her shield. "Thor, you helped create this?"

She studied the woman as Thor explained what he did. She was small, pretty and very young. While Elora did not recognize her face she knew the sense of recognition came from the magic she could sense in the girl's veins. A magic that matched the energy of the gemstone on the beings head. One that was similar but not quite the same as the magic that now produced Elora's healing abilities. A blonde man stepped behind the girl, eyes glaring hard in warning at Elora as she continued to watch the girl, and she could feel that same pulse in him as well but different. She was curious to find out why.

"I looked in your head and saw annihilation." The brunette stepped forward completely ignoring the intense stare of Elora.

The being turned to her. "Look again."

Clint laughed as he came across the room. "Her seal of approval means jack to me."

Elora placed a hand on Yrsa's arm to steady herself as she slipped into the being's mind without a word. It was mostly flashes at first, blinding and scrambled. Slowly though, the flashing stopped. There was no imagery but a sense of calm and serenity washed over her, a sense of peace."

"Is it?" She heard Steve ask as she slipped back into her own mind and met the being eyes. He nodded to her as Steve continued. "Are you?"

"He is." Elora said firmly.

"If you're wrong, El." Dr. Banner was hesitant as he spoke up.

Elora looked at him and out of the corner of her eye she saw the being move. "I'm not. I looked into his mind, that alone should prove he is not the same as Ultron. My magic cannot sense anything from that machine but he..."

"We can't trust just that!" Steve proclaimed.

"There may be no way to make you trust me," the being interrupted. "But we need to go."

When he turned he held Mjolnir out to Thor and Elora couldn't help the smile that broke out on her face as realization of what that simple action meant hit all the others.

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