Always Another Trick

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"So, you lied to me about your dead boyfriend and now you want my help to what, kidnap him and force him to work out his daddy issues?"

Elora leveled a glare at Stephen. After they had returned from Kamar Taj, and she'd redressed, she had revealed the true reason she had stayed on Midgard. She'd told him that his possession of a stone just happened to be a happy coincidence but she had stayed on Earth because her king had commanded it. Just as he had commanded her to keep his whereabouts, and the fact that an imposter sat on the throne of Asgard, to herself until the right time came. Apparently now, or soon at least, was the right time.

"He is not my boyfriend he is my prince and my king gave me an order not to tell anyone that he lived, if you consider that lying then, yes, I did and I would again because I am a loyal subject. As for the second half of that statement, I am not asking you to kidnap him." She bobbed her head from side to side. "Not really. Odin said Loki and Thor would arrive on Midgard soon and that I was to bring them to him. I'm simply asking you to help me facilitate their travels."

"By magically kidnapping them and bringing them here where you want me to distract the big one while you have a quick hook up with the not dead one before kicking them both through a portal to Norway."

He was angry and irritated and she didn't blame him but that didn't mean his anger wasn't vexing.

She took a deep breath and closed her eyes. "Stephen, Thor and Yrsa have spent the last five years believing their brother dead while Loki has been living his dream as the king of Asgard while he believed Odin to be trapped under an enchantment never to bother him again. Odin told me they would be coming together and until I have time to attempt a divination I don't know why or how. I do, however, know that Loki will not want to see Odin so rather than plant him in front of his father with no warning, where he would likely storm off, I would like a chance to explain what is coming, I believe he is owed at least that." She opened her eyes and met his hoping her face looked more convincing than her words sounded. She didn't think he'd care to know that she also just wanted to see Loki alone. That their history was so complicated and volatile that she didn't want an audience. When he seemed unconvinced she added, "and I'd like to do it without the judgement of Thor who will be angry I kept secrets from him."

His jaw worked in irritation but she could see he was losing steam. "And what do I get out of it?"

She smiled slowly, crossing the room to take his hand before answering. "A chance to help your friend."

"You know I'm not exactly altruistic in my nature," he grumbled.

"No, but you do like to be in control of things and if you tell me no I will just ask Wong and then you'll get jealous and try and meddle. So, why don't we skip dramatic bit and just put together a plan?


Yrsa came tumbling from the Bifrost twisting mid air to stab the sword she taken from Surtur into the ground to slow her movement, Thor beside her attempting the same with Mjolnir. When they came to a stop she reached over her shoulder to ensure Surtur's crown was still securely in place before standing to look around the Himinbjorg and see what had kept Heimdall from answering their call, only Heimdall was not there. Instead, behind the two women running from the room covered in fire drake ichor, an unfamiliar man stood on the dais calling after the fleeing forms before looking over at them.

"Well, well, well. Look who decided to pop in." The man, also cover in ichor, stomped towards them. "Thanks for scaring away my company and drenching my workplace in brains."

"Blood, actually," Yrsa corrected as she yanked the massive blade from the floor and hoisted it over her shoulder.

"What?" The man looked at her, now irritated and confused.

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