Prodigal Sister

29 1 13

New York 2015

Elora stepped out of the yellow cab outside of the tower she'd walked away from nearly two years ago and smiled. Odin had told her to follow her magic and several days ago she'd had a vision. So now here she was.

When she entered the building she cloaked her presence before heading to the elevator, not wanting to be stopped by anyone as she made her way upstairs, excited to surprise Yrsa. When the doors opened she was surprised to see a man in a red white and blue suit walking beside a woman in a tight black dress. They spotted Elora, who had revealed herself once on the elevator, and moved swiftly. The man stepped in front of the woman, hands raised for a fight and the woman reached below her skirt to pull out a gun and point it at Elora.

"Who are you?" The man asked.

Out of an old habit Elora didn't think she could break; she curtsied. "Apologies, I am looking for Princess Yrsa. I'm-"

"Ellie?" She turned to see Thor coming down a set of stairs, the smile on his face matching her own as he ran to her and scooped her up, spinning her around. "What in Valhalla are you doing here, why didn't you tell us you were coming?"

Thor set her down and she beamed. "I just decided to return a few days ago, I figured I would surprise Yrsa but I didn't know you'd be here."

"So, you two know each other?" The man in the suit asked.

"Oh, yes," Thor motioned Elora forward to introduce her. "Elora, this is Steve Rogers and Maria Hill, we work together. Steve, Maria, this is Lady Elora. My parents' ward and therefore basically our adopted sister."

"Another adopted sibling," Maria asked as she slipped her gun away.

Thor laughed awkwardly. "Yes, well, this one the good one."

Thor took Elora up the stairs and to a small lab where Tony, Yrsa and Dr. Banner watched as an injured man laid on a table, a strange projector working over his abdomen.

Elora greeted those she knew warmly and then introductions were made to the rest before she surveyed the machine curiously.

"The cells don't know their bonding to simulacra." Dr. Cho finished her explanation.

"She's creating tissue!" Dr. Banner circled the table in wonder.

"But why give it a false material to bond to?" Elora asked, still watching the process.

"What other option would you suggest?" Dr. Cho asked, annoyance in her voice.

Elora looked up. "Well, the simulacra is fine for wounds like this but on anything larger or repetitive injuries it seems like the organic material would deteriorate in numbers over time making it harder for repairs but if you just use the simulacra to stimulate the organic materials and cells for faster healing the body would remain organic."

The two doctors looked between Elora and the royals.

"El was a healer on Asgard." Yrsa stated and Dr. Cho looked back to Elora.

"If you have some time over the next few days I'd love to pick your brain about how you think we might be able to accomplish the method you mentioned with the technology we have available."

"I'd love to."


Later that evening after everyone had retired to their rooms Elora knocked on a door. After several moments Clint answered.

"Hey there." He said looking behind her confused. "Did you need something?"

"Actually I'm here to offer something." She replied and he raised his brows at her. "You didn't seem too excited about the procedure this afternoon and if you'd like I could go over your wound, remove the simulacra and use your own cells to heal it."

"I thought Yrsa said you weren't a healer anymore."

"I wasn't." She stepped past him into the room and he moved to make space for her. "And I'm nowhere near as good as I was but I can do this. But if you wouldn't mind I'd like to keep it between us for now."

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