Rising City

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They arrived in Sokovia and Steve split them into teams. Yrsa went into the city with most of the others to begin evacuation while Elora, Thor and Dr. Banner headed to the old fortress to find Natasha and see if they could figure out Ultron's plans.

When Thor burst through a wall on a lower-level Elora told Dr. Banner to go up and they headed down. Her brief scry had shown her that the widow was being held in a higher workshop. They descended in silence through the tunnels below the fortress and knew they were getting close to whatever it was that Ultron was hiding when they came across a dozen bots guarding the path.

Thor started forward but Elora stopped him, She sent two glimmering panels down the center of the tunnel before slamming them to either side with a force strong enough to crush the metal bodies into scrap.

"Efficient." Thor murmured before they continued, picking up the pace.

After a minute they exited the tunnels into a massive cavern with work lights and tools strewn about and in the center on the ceiling several large blue lights coming on. It took only a moment for Elora to realize they were thrusters before the ground around them began to tremble. Thor pulled her close, throwing a protective arm over her before the stone above them came crashing down.


Yrsa fought beside Steve at the edge of the rising city tearing apart the wicked machinery with her bare hands.

"Are you really smiling right now?" He asked when a small lull in attackers came and they began running to the bridge to help civilians.

"The situation is terrible," She admitted with raised hands. "But I cannot help the exhilaration I feel in battle."

Running onto the bridge a vehicle with a woman in it began to go over the edge. Steve got there first and grabbed onto the bumper but it didn't hold and the vehicle went over the edge.


Thor stood, a glowing dome around him, and looked down at Elora. "That was a much better idea." He said pointing to the shield as she increased its size and cleared the rubble that had gathered over them.

When the dome dropped they looked up to see the city ascending above them.

"Can you pull it down?" Thor asked and Elora's eyes went wide.

"It's an entire city, Thor, with an engine actively lifting it into the sky. I'm flattered that you would even think to ask but that is beyond me."

He nodded and wrapped a hand around her waist. "Then we better get up there and figure out a plan."

Flying toward the city's edge Thor held Elora close, dodging falling debris and vehicles until two cars zipped past them, both with people inside. Looking up to the edge he could see Steve and his sisters leaning over. His eyes flicked back to Elora and she nodded, understanding what he wanted to do and readied herself. With all his strength he threw her toward Yrsa before shooting down to the vehicles.

Yrsa grabbed her just as Steve leapt over the edge to grab the other woman Thor had tossed up.

"Nice catch," Elora quipped after she'd used her magic to pull Steve back onto the bridge just before Thor landed, the other car crashing down beside him.

With just a look the Asgardians headed further into the city, Steve mumbling something about a nap as he trailed behind them.

Elora and Yrsa paired off heading towards the buildings where more people were likely hiding. While she had never had a love for battle the way her friends did right now it felt good to be useful.

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