Goodbye For Now

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Elora and Yrsa stood on the neatly manicured lawn of the Avengers new compound, waiting for Thor.

"I do wish you were coming with us." Yrsa's voice held a hint of resentment at their coming separation.

Elora smiled sadly up at the princess, trying to hide her own regret at not being able to join the royals on their quest but she would not leave Odin on Midgard alone. She did not think he needed her, he was the Allfather, but something in her gut just kept telling her not to go.

When she'd awoken in the compound's infirmary three days after the events on Sokovia and Thor had told her everything that had happened and his plan to go and search for more information on the stones the first moment she was alone she'd attempted a divination. She no longer got random visions but she still could not fully control what they showed her. Yes, she could poke and prod to try for information on specific topics but divination was tricky and fickle and this time she had only seen flashes. What she assumed was a coffee shop on Midgard, a man bumping into her and a large stone building with a beautiful and intricate circular window. She'd taken that as confirmation that she needed to remain.

"I know," She replied grabbing Yrsa's hands and squeezing tightly. "But someone needs to stay here and make sure your beloved doesn't get himself killed while your gone and the witchling needs a tutor. She's more powerful than she knows but her control is chaotic at best and very dependent on her emotions."

The warrior's mouth curved into a wicked grin. "Yes, and I'm sure the fact that her brother has been following you around with moon eyes and calling you his guardian angel since you woke up also has something to do with your choice to stay."

Elora closed her eyes and shook her head, thankful that she could hear the door onto the ground opening signaling Thor's arrival. "No, princesses, it does not. He's very sweet but he's also a child."

She shrugged. "Yes, but all the Midgardians are technically 'children' compared to us."

Elora let out a soft huff as Thor, accompanied by Tony and Steve, reached them.

"Do you think you can find out what's coming?" Steve asked him.

Elora watched Yrsa step up to Tony, eyes raking over him wistfully as they exchanged a quiet goodbye.

"I do," Thor chuckled and pointed to the lovers. "Except that, there's nothing that can't be explained."

Yrsa waved him off without looking away from Tony and Thor turned with a smile to Elora.

"Keep her out of most trouble," she said wrapping her arms around his neck and accepting his tight embrace. "And stay safe yourself. I'll check in from time to time."

When he released her and stood her eyes caught on the dark length of Loki's hair, returned to his braid. As she pulled back she tugged it gently, and wished she could tell him his brother lived. Wished she could tell them both so that they didn't have to carry the weight of their sadness. They had lost so much else; they didn't deserve to believe they'd lost him too.

Thor mistook her regret at having to keep a secret for a shared sadness and reached up, unbraiding the strand and handing it to her.

Elora shook her head and tried to pull back but he caught her wrist, placing the strand to her palm before closing her fingers over it tightly.

"You can give it back the next time we meet." His gaze was serious, trying to relay words he couldn't quite bring himself to say. Words about love that she was ashamed to think about knowing what she did. "Until then, I'm headed into adventure and possible danger and I wouldn't trust it with anyone else."

She nodded and let out a deep relenting sigh before stepping up beside Steve.

Without another word Yrsa joined her brother and he raised Mjolnir to the sky. They were gone in a kaleidoscope of light.


That evening after she had worked with Steve and Natasha to train the new recruits, working mostly with Wanda, and trying again to scry on Dr. Banners location she entered her room frustrated. She couldn't locate him but her magic kept reaching out, jumping from place to place in quick unintelligible pathways. If he hadn't survived she would know, her magic wouldn't have anything to reach for but since it was reaching he had to be out there somewhere.

Tired and frustrated she began to empty her pockets, looking forward to a nice long soak in a hot bath. The tubs here were nothing compared to the bath in the princess's room on Asgard but it would do. When she tossed the contents onto the small beside table she froze, her eyes caught on the black strand of Loki's hair. Her fingers caressed the silken length for a moment before her curiosity got the better of her and she laid down on the bed, closing her eyes.  

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