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Elora sat beside Dr. Banner on the jet after he declined her offer to use magic to calm his mind saying he didn't want anyone else poking around in his head, which she understood, as Hill's voice rang out over the speakers.

"The news is loving you guys. Nobody else is, well, except the 'tiny pointy eared woman who trapped the hulk'. South African outlets have coined her the indida." She hung her head as Hill explained the term meant paradox. If she had just stayed with Bruce and followed the pull to the feeling of familiarity, that she now knew was a witch, none of the things she was now being lauded for or what Bruce was being vilified for would have even happened.

"I am sorry, my friend." She whispered as she squeezed his hand. "I should not have left you."

When they landed several hours later in a clearing outside of a small farmhouse most of them exited the jet confused and they were all silent as they followed Clint, who led the pack while helping Natasha, up the stairs and into the home. They walked into a quiet den as he called out taking in their surroundings.

Clint introduced a lovely brunette woman to them before two young children came running in. As more hello's were made Thor came up to Elora, grabbing her hand and pulling her towards the door with a stern yet determined face. She followed silently and they made it back to the yard before Steve called out to them.

"I saw something in that dream." Thor turned to face Steve, wrapping one arm around Elora. "I need answers and I won't find them here."

"And what answers must I leave with you to find that I cannot search for through scrying?" She asked, halting his other arm from taking off with Mjolnir.

"Ones that can only be found with the help of the Norns." His gaze was hard as she dropped her hand and nodded and they took off.


They stood beside a car outside of a university, their clothing cloaked by one of Elora's illusions in order to blend in.

"I don't like this." Elora told Thor as she crossed her arms and watched the buildings exit. "The magic of the Norn's is dangerous, even to someone like me."

"I don't think we have any other options right now."

She rolled her eyes. "I've long since mastered my visions and I have done premonition magic on many occasions now. If you let me-"

"We don't have time." He cut her off with a sharp hiss. "You are skilled, El, but my vision was clouded and disorienting. Looking into my mind would reveal nothing more to you than what I saw and the stones..." He stopped and took in a sharp breath, jaw flexing in anger. They had encountered three stones in as many years and they had caused nothing but trouble. From the tesseract opening the portal, the Aether possessing Jane and now to learn there was a stone in Loki's scepter as well. "We need to get this right the first time. And with your interaction with the Aether having altered you, even slightly, I think it's best if we go right to the source of information."

"That's not fair," her eyes darkened. "To hold that against me. I put the Aether in the container I-"

The doors to the building opened and they could see Dr. Selvig walking out.

"I don't hold it against you," Thor turned and nodded to Selvig. "But I'm being cautious for everyone's sake, including yours."


"So, this is it." Selvig whispered almost reverently as they came upon the pool deep in the cave. "The Water of Sight. I thought the Norn cave was in Asgard"

"In every realm, there is a reflection." Thor spoke as Elora shivered from the pulse of power coming from the pool. "The Norn's see what no eye can, what is and what is to come."

Thor knelt beside the pool as Elora handed a small box to Selvig before opening it and pulling out materials. "To invoke them." She explained when he raised a brow in question.

"It will take time and concentration." Thor's voice was grave as he stood and began undressing.

"Not that I am complaining about being asked to help," Selvig spoke, placing several bones where Elora had directed. "It's nice to be needed but I'm not entirely sure what I am doing here. If you're going in the water and your witch friend is doing the spell."

"It's not an actual spell, the waters themselves contain a magical connection, the additional elements are just meant to entice the fates to actual answer when he calls." Elora finished her preparations and stood beside Thor. "I'm really just here to make sure he doesn't kill himself in the process."

"That and she'll link to my mind so if I do die we still get our answers." Thor reached into his hair and began unbraiding a small black strand while he looked at Selvig. "And you're here to make sure she doesn't kill herself trying to save me. Do not let her into the waters. If I make it out on my own and need healing that's fine but someone has to make it back to the Avengers." He finished undoing his braid and turned to her, placing the silky black strand in her hand. "If I don't make it out please keep that safe."


"I wouldn't trust it with anyone else." He grinned before turning and walking into the pool.

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