A Duel

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"I must say I'm pleased with your progress." Loki watched Elora dust herself off, walking toward him after sparring with Hogun, who'd offered to help them when Volstagg announced he was in dire need of a mid-morning snack.

"Am I a natural then?" She asked with a bright smile. She tried to flip one of her daggers in the air as she walked but he could see she'd misjudged the trajectory and was going to catch the blade in her hand.

Loki twisted his wrist and the dagger vanished. "I wouldn't go that far," he said, closing the distance between them. "But you are much better than I thought you'd be after only four days."

"It helps that you've been an excellent instructor." She held his other dagger up to return it to him. He glanced at it a moment before wrapping his fingers around hers on the blade rather than the hilt she'd extended to him.

"That and you are very receptive to my instruction." His words were barely a whisper and Elora swallowed hard when Loki made no move to take his dagger or his hand from hers.

"You know, Ellie," Came Fandral's playful call. "Daggers are well and good for basics but when you're done with that child's play I can teach you the more delicate ins and outs or fighting with a rapier. Still lighter than a shortsword but with more finesse and protection."

As Fandral sidled up to where Elora and Loki stood she thought she could feel his touch go as icy as his gaze before he turned to face the smiling blonde.

"You know, Fandral, I don't think it's really the weapon that makes the difference in a fight but the wielder."

"I must disagree, Prince, I think wielder has some influence but in an equal match the fight is decided by the weapon with more...substance." Fandral raised an eyebrow as his gaze flicked to Elora who'd taken a step back from the two, unsure of what to do in the sudden tension filled area.

"Is that a theory you'd like to test, rogue?" Loki's words were a challenge as well as a threat.

Fandral, never one to back down from a challenge, answered with a grin as he began to walk backwards onto the field. "Happily."

A few minutes later Elora stood next to Yrsa as they all gathered to watch Loki and Fandral go at it, Thor circling around the duo to referee.

"I've got five silver on Loki." Yrsa said aloud and Volstagg, who'd returned with a plate of cheese, laughed.

"I'll take that wager. Fandral is the best there is with a blade. He'll easily best Loki."

Yrsa's smile widened as she crossed her arms. "Never underestimate my brothers, Volstagg. Fandral may be unmatched as a swordsman but Loki is as clever as they come."

With a shout from Thor the match began and Elora could barely understand what was going on as she watched the two men dance around each other, blades slashing. Only the curses and cheers from Yrsa and Volstagg let her know that the two seemed evenly matched. The bout continued on for what felt like forever to her and she began to grow anxious. There had been no bloodshed yet but she could tell their attacks were getting harder as if they were trying to inflict actual damage.

When she felt she could bear the tension no longer, Elora tugged gently on Yrsa's leathers and whispered that she was going to change before her lessons with Frigga.

Yrsa waved a hand, eyes never leaving the fight as they sparkled with entertainment. "Very well, I'll collect you after lessons so we can ride together and I'll tell you everything you missed."

Elora grinned as she began to walk away. She loved riding to the woods with Yrsa. As the goddess of wanderers and wild things the creatures of the forest often flocked to her as they rode and Elora was giddy at the thought of getting to stop for a while and play with some of the young bear cubs. Just before exiting the gate to the training yard she turned her head to catch one last glimpse of the fight still ongoing. She saw a strange flash over the prince, barely a blink, and she paused to watch as he suddenly lost steam. His movements slowed and he staggered backwards, Fandral charged him to take advantage of the situation but when the swashbuckler slashed with his blade the rapier went straight through the Loki in front of him and the gathered crowd stopped jeering.

The illusion grinned and shrugged before disappearing and the real Loki revealed himself behind Fandral. His legs suddenly swept from under him Fandral hit the ground and rolled, rapier forgotten as he looked up to see the dagger coming to slash across his face. On instinct he threw up an arm and let out a strangled cry as the blade sliced from wrist to elbow.

Loki, breathing heavily, looked down at the man on the ground cradling an injured arm and raised his dagger again.

"Enough!" Thor shouted and Loki whipped his head around, coming back to the reality in which they were being watched.

He looked back down to Fandral as he stowed his daggers. "Good match." He said uneasily and extended a hand to help the man rise.

Before Fandral could move to take the offered assistance Loki felt himself shoved slightly to the side as Elora came skidding to her knees in front of the injured man.

"Are you alright?" She asked frantically as she surveyed the slash along his arm.

"I'm fine," He said, trying to pull from Elora's grip. "I've had many wounds that were much worse. This is a scratch and I'll be good as new in a few hours."

"Nonsense, you're bleeding everywhere. Let me heal it." She pulled his arm down into her lap and her eyes went hazy as she trailed her fingers over the wound, knitting the flesh together.

After a moment her eyes came back to focus and Fandral's arm had a light pink slash that was quickly fading. "Good as new." She said as she sat back and rubbed her hands together, her healing magic having stolen the warmth from her body.

"Thank you, Ellie. I know that's not a pleasant feeling for you and you didn't have to heal me," Fandral looked up at Loki with a sly smile before he spoke again. "But I do appreciate that you were so concerned for me."

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