A Bitter Trick

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Frigga and Elora sat in the queen's chambers, uneasiness growing in her gut, when Yrsa walked into the room.

"What happened," Frigga asked, moving swiftly across the room to inspect and ensure her daughter was okay.

Yrsa waved away her mother's concern as she explained. "Frost Giants got into the vault. We aren't sure how and unfortunately the guards who were working did not make it but the destroyer stopped the intruders and nothing was taken. Outside of that and Thor and Father getting into an argument about next steps there really isn't much more information."

"Where are they now?" Frigga's voice had hardened, a more protective tone slipping in.

"I'm not sure, they both stormed out. Loki went after Thor and I sent Sif and the others to find them when I got here. Loki and Thor haven't exactly made peace since their own fight and I figured he'd need a little help calming Thor down."

Frigga sighed deeply. "Pray they don't kill each other before Sif and the three get there. In the meantime let's go find your father."


Loki watched Thor flip a table with a strange sense of satisfaction. The timing of the Frost Giants discovery happening just before Odin declared Thor king was poetic and better than he could have hoped but as he watched Thor now, raging, he realized this poem may not be at its end just yet.

Loki came out from behind the pillar he'd tucked behind.

"It's unwise to be in my company right now, brother." Thor breathed heavily from anger more than exertion. "This was to be my day of triumph."

Loki allowed tenderness and sympathy to enter his voice as he sat. "It'll come, in time."

"What's this?" Volstagg called as he and the others entered the room.

Loki leaned close to Thor, planting seeds while the barbarians' anger still burned. "If it's any consolation, I think you're right. About the Frost Giants, about Laufry, about everything. If they found a way to penetrate Asgard's defenses once, who's to say they won't try again? Next time with an army."

"Exactly!" Thor exclaimed.

Loki saw his words were hitting their mark and continued quickly. "There's nothing you can do without defying father." When Thor met Loki's gaze he knew his words had accomplished their task but he didn't let his excitement show as he kept up his charade of empathy. "No, no, no, I know that look."

"That's the only way to ensure the safety of our borders." Thor was standing and yelling now and the others were beginning to pay more attention to their conversation.

"Thor, it's madness."

"Madness? What sort of madness?" Volstagg, who had been making a plate from the feast scattered on the floor when the table was flipped, spoke.

"We're going to Jotenheim." Loki had to focus very hard to hold in his smile as his brother made his declaration.


Elora wandered around her rooms packing distractedly. She had listened quietly as Frigga, Yrsa and Odin had discussed the Frost Giant attack, trying to figure out how they had gotten past Heimdall. Something about it didn't sit right with her. She knew, of course there were ways, magics, that could make beings able to pass under the gatekeepers gaze but the Jotuns were not known to possess the abilities. In fact she could only think of two people that she knew had been in the palace that day who could accomplish such a feat.

She was worrying over the idea when Yrsa burst in. "El, I need you to come with me, hurry!"

"What's happened?" El tossed the items she'd been sorting through down and swiftly moved toward Yrsa.

"Thor and his merry band of idiots went to Jotunheim. Father was just informed and he's going after them. Let's get you to Himinbjorg in case someone needs healing."

They raced through the halls toward the stables, Elora hiking her skirts as she ran and peppered Yrsa with questions. "What were they thinking?"

"They obviously weren't!"

"How did they get past Heimdall?"

"I'm not sure but it seems to be a growing trend recently."

As they approached the stables they could see Sif, Heimdall and the warriors three exiting, Volstagg and Hogun carrying a gravel injured Fandral between them.

"Ellie, thank the norns you're here." Volstagg's voice was strained, clearly concerned for his friend as they dragged him to her.

Elora took one look at the wound and shook her head. She had never had to heal an injury from a Jotun before and while she was confident she could figure it out the blackened flesh around the whole would need salves if Fandral didn't want to be permanently scarred. "Get him inside, quickly. This isn't going to be an easy fix."

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