Hello Princeling

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Loki hadn't had a solid night's sleep in weeks. He'd managed to get several uneasy hours during the days but they were often interrupted by meals and raucous noise from other prisoners yelling across the halls to each other. The shadow never bothered him during the day but it had not left him alone a single night since he'd returned to Asgard. He could never catch it in his waking hours no matter how quickly he twisted and turned but in his dreams it stood haunting and unmoving, like a silent sentry.

One night, nearly two months after his return, he stood at his wash basin preparing for another restless night when the shadow arrived.

"Why won't you leave me alone, you damned demon!" He slammed his hands down on either side of the basin in frustration, his soul weary from lack of sleep.

His spine went rigid when the shadow spoke and he turned slowly finally able to see it. "Demon is a new one."

Elora leaned against the end of his small cot. "Usually it's witch or hag, I've even gotten harpy once or twice but never demon."

She wore all black that matched her night dark hair which did not have its usual wild waves lost to the heavy oils and bits of what looked like bone braided into it and she was thin. So thin. She had always been slight but could toe the line between elven and Vanir if her ears were hidden. Now there was no mistaking her mother's heritage from the sharp cheekbones and pointed chin.

"It's been you," his jaw flexed in frustration and he took a step toward her menacingly. "This whole time it's been you. Night after night you've been tormenting me since I returned."

She didn't flinch as he came near, didn't even blink. In fact she looked down her nose at him, disappointed. "Is that to mean my efforts on Midgard weren't effective? Because honestly I thought I did quite well, especially when I stopped you from killing that one man. What was his name...Coulson?"

Loki stepped back in shock. He'd first seen the shadow in the glass cage, yes and then again when he'd been making his escape and went to stab the loathsome Agent and it made his aim fall short, missing the man's heart. But Elora wasn't on Midgard and hadn't returned with them to Asgard. How had she reached him? He had only been able to reach across realms with Gungnir, had Odin let her use it?

"Your sister is quite fond of him so I did what I could to help. He will live but even now he's still healing."

Loki chose his words carefully, trying to understand. "Strange you didn't heal him yourself on Midgard. Were you still too afraid to show yourself to the humans?"

Elora closed her eyes and let out a huff, shaking her head. "Of course you wouldn't know."

"Know what, dear Ellie?" He prodded, pleased he could still manipulate information when needed.

"I woke Odin from his sleep that day." Her eyes opened again and met his, and he could see a cold rage burning inside her. "And in doing so I lost my ability to heal. I had to pour every ounce of that part of my magic, the very seed of its existence, into him so it could do what was necessary. So that he could wake up and maybe fix what you had done and save you from yourself."

Loki's blood ran cold as Elora stepped toward him.

"I gave up the core of who I was to try and stop your madness, to save you, but you were just too damned stubborn to lose so you threw yourself into the void of space. Now here you are, exactly where I said you'd end up if you kept going down the path you were on and while you are here, no matter where I am be it Asgard, Vanaheim, Alfheim or even Helheim, I will do everything in my power to make sure you do not know a days peace as punishment for what I lost."

"El, I never-" Loki tried to apologize, tried to step forward and fall to his knees and explain he would never have asked her to give up what made her her. But when he moved her eyes went black and she reached out and pressed a single finger to his forehead before disappearing.

That night Loki had the worst nightmares of his life. 

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