More Than A Memory

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Loki sat in his father's council room only half paying attention to the upcoming plans for the coronation and accommodation of guests was discussed. He'd most likely be assigned some dignitary or group to entertain for several days and he'd need to attend whatever rehearsals there would be for the actual ceremony itself but he didn't need, or care, to know any more in depth details.

"Eir, thank you for joining us." Odin spoke and Loki looked up.

Sure enough Eir had entered the council room, an unusual occurrence.

"Of course your highness, how can I be of assistance?"

"I need you to select several healers and prepare them for travel if necessary and then gather a list of supplies. Tomorrow I will have someone come to the infirmary to get whatever you feel is necessary and take it to Himinbjorg. I expect you can make yourself available for a few hours to set up a temporary workstation there. It doesn't need to be large, only a bed or two, but make sure it is well stocked."

"Yes, sir, but why may I ask, are we setting up a station at Himinbjorg?"

"Elora will be returning to Asgard for a month prior to the coronation and I have promised to accommodate her patients that require recurring care in order to get her here for such an extended time."

"Elora is coming home?" Thor's voice was filled with excitement but Loki could only sit frozen in his seat, uneasy at the way Odin smiled in response to Thor's glee.

"That she is my son. Heimdall has been communicating with your sister for the past few days and their plans were finalized last night, they will be arriving in a fortnight."


Elora rode in silence beside Yrsa in the carriage that would take them to a field where Heimdall could collect them. They had returned to Vanaheim, which had served as her base of operations since she'd left Asgard and it felt right, somehow, that if she had to return it would be from here.

"Are you nervous?" Yrsa asked when they came to a stop.

Elora walked to the back of the carriage, taking hers and Yrsa's small bags while the princess grabbed a large trunk before they waved to the driver. "I don't think nervous is quite the right word. Apprehensive about working from Himinbjorg but excited to get to spend some real time with your mother, Thor and the others. Also terrified to see Eir." She ended on a laugh.

"Why's that?" Yrsa asked, setting the trunk down gently.

"Because when I left I was still a novice under her and this will be the first I've seen her since. It will be strange to work beside her, THE goddess of medicine, as someone who is sought after for their healing abilities."

"I think you'll be just fine, maybe even have a thing or two to teach the goddess." Yrsa stood straight and grabbed Elora's hand. "Ready?"

Elora nodded and Yrsa called to Heimdall.


Loki stood inside Himinbjorg, his presence hidden from the small group gathered to receive his sister and Elora.

"They are ready." Heimdall spoke as he strode toward his sword to open the bifrost.

The bridge opened and the two women stepped through hand in hand. Yrsa broke away first running to hug their parents as Elora set down bags and scanned the chamber. He thought for a moment her eyes settled on him, on the spot he was hidden in but that was impossible. Then Thor barrelled into her, lifting her off her feet and spinning her and the moment was gone. When Thor set her down she walked to the king and queen and curtsied deeply before Frigga pulled her into a tight hug.

Loki heard the murmurs of welcome home and good to see you as he moved across the chamber and Frigga released her only for her to get swept up again by Sif and the warriors three. She greeted them each with warm smiles, bright laughter and tight embraces. And when Fandral, who had waited to the end, pulled her into an overexaggerated sweeping kiss she did not look angry or offended or even surprised. No, as he pulled her to stand again and released her Elora only pushed him away playfully as she lightly scolded him, calling him a rake.

He stopped ten feet away, watching as she scanned the chamber again, looking for him? Before Volstagg called her name.

"Gods, Ellie," he grunted as he and Hogun lifted a chest between them. "How many gowns do you have in here?"

"None, dear Volstagg. When you travel as much as Yrsa and I, you learn to trim a wardrobe down to fit into a bag." She gestured to the bags that Yrsa and Sif now picked up.

"Is this filled with bricks then?" Hogun asked as they struggled to move the chest.

"Of course not, it's my medical supplies."

"Did you not think I would provide sufficiently, Lady?" Odin approached, putting an arm around her.

"I just like to be prepared, your highness."

"Very well." he chuckled. "Then let us head to the palace so you can settle in and prepare for the supper we are having to herald the return of my most beloved daughter and my long lost ward."

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