Start Again

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When Elora awoke she found herself on a bed in the infirmary on Asgard, Yrsa in a chair beside her.

"Did it work?" Her voice was hoarse and she instantly felt the need to cough.

"El?" Yrsa rose swiftly from her chair and grabbed a glass of water that was sitting on the bedside table, helping Elora sit up and take a drink. "Are you alright?"

Elora nodded, gulping down the water before she asked again "Did it work?"

"Yes," Yrsa laughed out as she sat back down. "Yes Malekith is gone, the Aether is contained Jane is healthy and home. It all worked."

Elora laid back down with a sigh of relief. They'd pulled it off. Despite just waking her eyelids felt heavy again and she let them close.


Elora and Yrsa rode swiftly to the gatehouse hoping to make it there before Thor left. As they approached they could see Heimdall preparing to open the bridge and they called out.

"Princess, Lady," Heimdall greeted them when they dismounted and sprinted up to him. "Is something wrong?"

"Not at all, we just didn't want to make you have to open the bridge twice." Yrsa grinned and walked up to her brother, clapping a hand on his shoulder.

"Wait, what do you mean?" Thor asked, looking between the two.

"I've spent enough time mourning and hiding," Elora hugged Heimdall tightly before crossing to stand by the royals. "I want to get back into the realms and where better to start than the one place I've never been?"

"And if you're both going I won't be left behind. Besides, I'd like to see that metal man again."

"Well, my friends," Heimdall turned his sword and opened the gate. "Safe travels."

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