A World of Ash

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Elora knelt in the cells beside one of the gladiators, hands glowing softly as she ran them over his injured leg, when the sound of a clearing throat came from behind her. She didn't need to look to know who it was.

"Unless you have found a way to get me out of here and then all of us, including Bruce, off this planet I suggest you go away, prince. I am not in the mood." She finished healing the man's leg and stood, pulling the cloak the Kronan had procured for her tight around her shoulders before moving toward the next gladiator.

"El," Loki's projection came around hands held up placatingly. "I did not intend for this to happen I-"

"Just kept things from me, bet against your brother for your own gain, probably lied about even attempting to find a way back to Asgard." He opened his mouth to argue but no words came and Elora knew she was right. With a scoff she walked right through his projection, dropping down to start on the next injury. "Just go, Loki, please."

Korg could be heard stomping toward them from the far end of the cell. "I told you last time, piss off ghost, we don't want you here!" The Kronan's body barreled through the magic and nearly toppled over when he tripped on Elora but she tossed out a hand, her own magic halting his fall.

"Korg," Her eyes had gone dark as she looked over her shoulder at Loki as she spoke. "You've seen this man before?"

"Yeah," he replied in a chipper tone as he regained his footing. "He was haunting Thor before his match. Rattling on about going at it alone." He tried to punch at the prince again and when the projection shimmered Elora rose to her feet and set a hand on his shoulder.

"It's fine, my friend. Save your energy. But could you do me a favor a help Orion here to the other side so I might talk to our visitor alone for a moment." She gestured to the man she had yet to heal and Korg nodded, bending to pick him up and carry him away.

When they were alone Loki started. "Elora, I know your angry but you have-"

She raised one hand and rubbed at her forehead with the other, eyes closed in exasperation. "I just don't understand."

When she looked at him again there was no anger or rage in her glare the way he'd expected but sadness and his heart cracked knowing he had been the one to put it there. Again. He reached forward to cup her face and cursed when his hand touched nothing.

"How is it," her eyes dropped to his now clenched fist. "That the little boy who brought a lonely and frightened girl food can betray his brother over and over again. That the young man who secretly protected his sister from her own wild actions for years can abandon her at her greatest time of need. That the man who saw a girl, that he considered his competition, struggling and took the time to help her learn so selflessly can turn around and selfishly ruin the things she loves the most, more than once." With a heavy sigh she met his gaze again and raised a glowing hand to hover in front of his chest. "You have an empathetic heart, Loki. I don't know why but somewhere along the way you let that sour you and I don't know how to fix it."

"It is not sour to take the things you want," her eyes rolled and she dropped her hand before starting to walk around him but he held out his arms even though he knew they could not stop her. "Yes, I have made many mistakes over the year but the one thing I never got wrong was loving you. As unfortunate as it may be Asgard is most likely a ruin now and if Thor wants to go there on a suicide mission for the sake of his honor I will let him. You are all I care about and I will lie, scheme and cheat without hesitation to protect you. I will burn whatever bridges and worlds I must, to make sure you and I survive."

"And then what?" She looked at him with a sad smile, waiting patiently for him to answer but he did not understand what she was asking. "I love you, prince, but I would rather die fighting for the things I believe in, the people I care about, than live forever in a world of ashes."

She waved a hand and Loki's image faded away before she went to find Orion to finish healing his wounds. 

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