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The potrait. That damn potrait. Everything seemed like it happened yesterday when she fainted at the intimidating image of Helbert Stanley, and as absurd as it still sounded up to this very moment, she couldn't help but perceive a rather suspicious and uneasy feeling about this man. 

Perhaps it was because of his resemblance to someone else from her past; his intense blue stare and the perfect, sleek style of his hair covered with some touches of greyness, or perhaps something else entirely, but all she knew was that if she didn't step up her game, she might very well end up hurting both herself and Jayden.

And those last words of hers perfectly drew back her grandmother's words like a  moth to a flame:
'The both of you will get hurt if you keep associating with each other.'

It didn't help at all that all these thoughts decided to shower down as she made rather anxious steps closer to the large doors guiding the Stanleys' mansion.

A special invitation to the estate that morning had had her stomach flipping violently within the confines of her trouser. Never in a million years would she imagine the great Helbert Stanley wanting to meet her personally, let alone offer her an invitation to his home like she was royalty. She doubted her life was about to be turned upside down in a split second, especially with the high chances of him already figuring out she was the woman rumored to be in a relationship with his son.

Or maybe if she took a chill pill, she could be more optimistic about the situation. What if the meeting had nothing more than to deal with her job as the doctor who had been in charge of Jayden's health all along?

Speaking of Jayden, she wasn't entirely sure if she had made the right decision keeping this sudden meeting from him. However, the fact that he didn't see her as someone he could share the news of his father's return quite encouraged her childish desire to keep the issue to herself.

Her many steps finally led her onto the glossy marble floor of the entrance hall, where one of the guards approached her to guide her straight to the chairman.

In no short amount of time, she found herself being led to a part of the home she never knew existed. When the guard stopped in front of a set of double doors at the very end of the corridor, he pushed the heavy golden handles open, revealing a spacious room decorated in a dark shade of grey.

Her heartbeat quickened its pace at the sight of the fancy room that looked similar to a private art museum, her eyes scanning the surroundings, mesmerized by the beautiful murals adorning almost all the walls as the light rays danced off of the glass windows on the uppermost portion of the room, allowing the sunlight to flow into the room and bathe the place in a gentle glow.

"The chairman is inside waiting for you," the voice of the guard brought her attention to him, as the pair entered the room. "You can go right in." He added, his tone implying he had no motive to follow her further than he already did.

Nodding her head appreciatively, Maria moved forward, eyes searching for that overly familair face she had once seen in the form of a portrait. Her eyes trailed in circular motions until they spotted the imposing back of a masculine figure standing before a fireplace that was lit up, creating a warm glow on its dark wooden surfaces.

The sight caused a pause in her steps, her eyes still settled on the older gentleman richly clad in black, his hands clasped behind him, and she could see the neat way his dark brown hair was combed into an elegant fashion.

The figure stood motionlessly for a while, and Maria was almost believing that the sounds of her earlier footsteps had not been heard before the older man turned around to meet her blue eyes with his intense ones.

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