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"Ashley?" He questioned, brows slightly knitted together with confusion as he stared down at his mother seated on a chaise lounge. "Why would she launch her business in New York when she doesn't live here?"

"What do you think?" Delia returned, glancing back at Jayden who adamantly refused to sit. "Don't you think it's a good opportunity for you two to meet again and keep in touch?" She continued without waiting for him to answer, knowing he wouldn't care to give an opinion. "And then maybe you two can discuss getting married--"

"I will decide when and whom to marry." He cut her off with the sharpest tone he could muster while still keeping any anger from his voice. It had been a long time since he'd heard that phrase used against him because of the coma. Now that he was finally getting himself back, he couldn't believe his mother wouldn't hesitate to throw out all those same old arguments.

"You..." Delia's voice went silent and didn't respond right away, staring into space as if she were deep in thought or just considering how best to argue against what he said. Finally, she seemed to come to some sort of decision and looked back at her son with determination. "...have no say in this. Your father decides to have you two together for the progress of the company." She paused before continuing in a more reasonable tone, "It has always been your father's dream for you to run things when he is no longer capable of being the chairman. I'm sure you've seen enough of Ashley by now that you'll know better than anyone how much your father loves her."

The mention of his father created a silent effect on him that lasted until his eyes landed on the portrait above the fireplace that had been hanging there since before his birth. His gaze remained focused on the painting of his father standing beside the ocean with one arm extended toward the viewer. His face was hard, wearing his signature stern face. It was just a picture but Jayden could feel terrified by countless memories of being maltreated by the man all in the name of being molded to a perfect heir for the enterprise. The last thing he wanted was for his father to return home to force another round of negotiations on him like this. And he certainly wasn't interested in becoming anything like him but that wish was deeply buried beneath years of fear.

Delia quietly watched her son stare into the fire for several minutes, aware of his internal conflict. "Well," she began again and rose to her feet, bringing her hand to rest gently on his shoulder.

He slowly brought his eyes back to hers, his expression remaining blank but for the brief flash of annoyance he felt whenever he found himself dealing with his mother. She stood tall and imposing in front of him, her hair swept up and framing her regal features with elegance. Her skin appeared tanned and her body toned and healthy.

"You must attend the party, you will be representing your father's seat as the CEO." Her voice took on the commanding edge of her personality as she leaned forward slightly and lifted her eyes higher to catch his. "There are going to be important guests present, including people from both our families. We cannot afford to look bad in front of them, especially after all these years."

Jayden remained unmoved by her argument, knowing very well how important the meeting with the board members was to the company. "I will only be attending for the sake of business. Whatever you are thinking is not going to happen." He warned in a low growl, refusing to take the bait.

Delia simply nodded her head with a small smile. Turning, she headed towards the hallway where the elevator awaited. She glanced over her shoulder briefly, seeing him still standing by the fireplace and looking straight ahead. "We'll see how long you last." With that, she turned and headed up the compartment, her silky red dress fluttering behind her as she went.

The moment the doors closed, Jayden reached for the nearest object and slammed it into the wall. His chest rose and fell quickly as he looked around the room, searching for something else to break apart. After finding nothing useful within the walls, he walked to the window and opened it wide, letting the cool air fill the space between the panes. Then he let out a loud exhale and dropped his forehead onto the windowsill. His mind was lost in thought when footsteps sounded on the carpeted floor behind him and stopped within a close space.

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