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The smile she shared with the old storekeeper was still on her face as she strolled back home. The sun had set long ago, leaving a soft glow in the air, turning everything into a warm amber hue that seemed so welcoming compared to the dark of night. It was a welcome change after the sunny afternoon.

Her steps were slow and deliberate, enjoying this rare moment of solitude, as she headed down one of her favorite streets where she would normally have no chance to stop for more than a few minutes. She knew everyone who lived here; she could walk through the entire block without having to pass anyone else.

Earlier in the morning, she had woken up to a message from the Stanleys asking her to take the day off. Her suspicion had risen concerning Jayden's weird task conversation from a few days ago but her mind had been at ease when there were no words or any form of disturbances from him.

It was a rare free time for her and so she had seized up the opportunity to shop for groceries at the store.  As always, there was something about walking along these quiet, tree-lined roads that calmed her nerves and made it seem like things were okay again, even if they weren't really.

The wheezing sounds of tires screeching behind startled Maria and brought her attention back to the road. A white limousine was speeding straight towards her. Its horn blared as it sped by, missing Maria by inches, and then reversed back to her side.

The strange movement of the luxurious vehicle made her stop her steps. She gawked at the long car, wondering what kind of jobs some people do to purchase such an expensive vehicle. She knew whoever owned that kind of property must be stinking rich like the Stanleys, and that thought gave her a cue to walk away. Whenever it involved rich people, there was an eerie feeling in the air that told you to keep out of their business. It felt almost like an invisible barrier keeping them separate from others and making sure they are not seen by the commoners. That same sense told her to stay clear of this car now. Maybe it was the numerous mafia movies she had watched that were occupying her mind but she was certain that a limo is either used for transporting criminals or someone important.

Maria resumed her tracks, walking a bit faster now, trying to get away from those eyes that were following her, though she didn't see them anywhere yet. She was almost stepping away from the vehicle's wide shadow when one of its doors opened.

The sound glued her shoes and she found herself moronically rolling her head to peep at whoever wanted to step out. Influenced by her impulse, she strangely wanted to confirm if there were truly mafia-looking people shielded in the tinted vehicle.

Her inquisitive gaze found a figure climbing down from the vehicle. He was wearing a black suit and a white shirt, both with a solid black tie. He had broad shoulders and a small gut, which made the shirt look tight against his body. His hair was short and clean cut while his face looked vaguely familiar to Maria.

He wasn't looking completely like a mafia lord or serial killer, but his conservative outfit presented him more as an enterprising businessman or executive assistant- that's it! Her memory recharged at the thought of an executive assistant. She remembered him as the person who had brought in the inhaler at Jayden's call the other time and had seen him a couple of times at the estate. Maria could guess the man was a personal assistant to Jayden or something similar like a secretary or bodyguard.

The figure walked across the sidewalk towards her and stopped right in front of her. "Good evening, Miss Patterson." He greeted, his voice sounding cultured and refined, much different than the usual gruff tone most assistants usually had. "You know me, right?"

"Yeah, I guess..." Maria answered hesitantly, her brows firmly pressed down as she wondered what was going on.

"That's a relief." The man said before reaching forward for a proper handshake. "I'm Daniel Kintyre, Mr. Stanley's PA." He introduced himself, smiling ghostly.

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