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Ted's gaze traveled to and fro, in a quick chase of the lady pacing aimlessly across the living room. Her head was boiling at a degree of intensity that made her feel like she was going to burst out into flames any second now, but he didn't dare say anything lest it made things worse.

A slice of pizza found its way to his mouth as he bobbed his head to every rant she spewed forth. She was speaking in another tone and the only reason he understood every word she was saying was because of their long history together.

Who else would understand Maria's angry language apart from her best friend? Who else could listen to her vent for hours and hours?

He knew when not to speak up and this time was no different than before. He ate his pizza, enjoying his dinner while watching the enraged creature pace back and forth.

She crossed to his side, snatched the pizza in his hands, and finished the remnant in one bite. Ted watched her wolf down the last of it with a grimace.

"Can you believe that?!" She fumed and that was the question he had been expecting. It was her usual way of wrapping up her impetuous rants and inhumane screams.

He exhaled silently, glad her explosive period had ended calmly without things being thrown around. It had started twenty minutes ago when he had asked her how her new job was going and she had aggressively told him a whole novel about it. That was followed by an explanation on why she was already tired of the job and how her new patient was a pain in her ass.

"Well," He shrugged as she plopped down next to him. "Now you see why

you are getting double paid."

"Damn, I'm not getting paid enough for this shit," she breathed heavily in a way that had her bangs flying in the air.

He laughed at her reaction, understanding her frustration. As much as she loved helping people, she hated working with difficult patients. She was capable of handling anything short of a heartless monster but dealing with the likes of these assholes was just

too much for her.

"Not paid enough?" He repeated and she shot him a glare after detecting a hint of sarcasm in his voice.

"Yeah, I mean it's not enough for me to handle all this crap." She got straight to the point, not wasting any more words or time.

"Dude, you are getting double paid." Ted reiterated, gesturing at his stomach. "You have no right to complain."

She sighed loudly and dropped her head onto the couch, her body sinking into the cushion. "I guess you're right."

"But why didn't you just tell him a piece of your mind? Why did you have to save it for my poor ears?" He pointed at himself with a raised eyebrow. "Man, it was really hard listening to you rant about him."

Maria groaned, rolling her eyes in the process. "You can't just expect me to yell at patients and tell them how much of an asshole they are."

"Pfft." His lips curled upward as he scoffed. "Of course, you can, Maria, that's your specialty, at least what I have experienced with you." He teased, earning a snort from her.

She lifted her head at the comment; her expression becoming grumpier by the second. She knew the old memory he was referring to when he said that. They had gone to a bar one night and met a guy who was completely rude to them. Maria confronted the man, telling him off in the most vulgar way possible. Ted had never seen her so angry and he couldn't help but laugh at her furious outburst. The guy was shocked to hear such language coming from her mouth and he ran away as soon as she was done yelling at him.

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