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The bedside lamp twinkled its dim glow across the room as they moved in, revealing little details and making each small element more enticing.

It felt like a thousand butterflies had gathered in the pit of her stomach, making her insides churn and her heart thump loudly against her chest.

She wasn't sure whether it was too early to be described as falling in love, but this man developed sparks flying off every nerve ending in her body, and she felt herself succumbing to every feeling he was stirring up inside her.

All her worries concerning him seemed to have disappeared without a single trace, the fear of not being accepted as a suitable partner by his parents, the insecure thoughts of not deserving someone like him, all of them evaporating from her memory as she lost herself to the euphoria that he brought, letting him carry her to wherever he wished.

His footsteps reverberated slightly through the wooden floor beneath him as he made his way through the dark bedroom, and his locked gaze that never left hers spoke of everything she needed to know about his intentions.

In his golden molten eyes held a particular expression she had never seen before, one filled with absolute devotion, complete with adoration and lust that burned through her veins like fire, consuming every inch of her flesh.

When he finally reached where he needed to stop, she instinctively wrapped her arms tightly around his neck, wanting nothing more than to clad her legs around him and pull him even closer to her.

However, he resisted with a chuckle, lowering her frame against the edge of the bed to take a seat instead, before kneeling on one leg in front of her.

His eyes gleamed gently and held a sparkle of amusement, although it appeared more tender than mocking this time, as he stared into hers.

"What's your bedtime?" Jayden broke the silence that had engulfed them ever since they left the living room, his voice low with a hint of possessiveness.

His question formed a readable confusion on her face, her brows pulling down slightly to express her perplexity while her eyes searched his face for any indication of why he would ask such a strange query.

"I am not sure, I go to sleep when I feel sleepy." She answered nonetheless after some thoughts.

A dimple appeared on his right cheek as he half-smiled at the earnest way she took care of his request, and couldn't stop himself from reaching out a hand to brush stray strands of her loose hair behind her ear.

"Why do you ask?" her question came out in the softest whisper due to the electricity that coursed from his touch.

He didn't answer right away, his eyes flickering down to focus entirely on her lips, and then lean closer to cup her round face with his hands. "Because I plan to extend it." His words rang in her ears, making them burn under the intensity of his breath, and causing her body to shudder involuntarily.

Maria had no response to give, no rational thought that might allow her to formulate a response. Instead, she found her body beginning to react on its own accord, and her hands slowly slid down the sides of his neck, trailing over his shoulders until she found the hem of his maroon coat and began tugging it down slowly to reveal the inner attire he wore.

She knew it took every bit of resistance to take control of her fingers and not rip through the remaining material covering him, revealing what was beneath and what awaited her touch. Rather, her blue eyes found their way back to his and she noticed how that single action of hers caused his stare to darken.

His reaction was instantaneous with the way his grip on her face tightened as if telling her not to stop, and his thumb moved over the corner of her lips, tracing over the sensitive flesh and leaving her gasping for more. Her hands slid down his shoulders again, preparing to do as told, and she watched his pupils dilate in response to her movements.

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