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"Mr. Stanley?" She cried for attention the millionth time. The word torment was an understatement for her situation. Her job had never been this difficult and exasperating in her entire life. It was all thanks to Mr. Grumpy Stanley sitting opposite her and adamantly refusing to open up to his doctor like a two-year-old who was forced by his mother to visit the dentist, and that doctor was almost getting to the point of losing her sanity. Her patient looked so much like someone who would not be able to resist seeing how far he could push her before she exploded into a fit of anger and tears. And to make things worse, there was always the chance that he'd go on a rampage if she pushed him too far, so she was being careful to not make him angry as he already was.

Maria rubbed her forehead, her azure eyes dropping to her jotter to find a different question that would stimulate his interest. "Can you tell me your sleeping patterns and how will you rate your quality of sleep?" She was heaving deeply with her words, hoping he would contribute to the conversation.

"I don't see how that's your business."

She groaned loudly. There went his usual extraneous reply. His attention was fixed on the gadget in his hands, paying no or little attention to whatever she was saying. He was beyond frustrating. He was probably not even listening to her, just waiting for her to stop talking so he could speak again.

"Perhaps we should talk about something else, then," she said in a lower tone, trying to remain calm. "Do you have any other hobbies that you are interested in? Or perhaps you do enjoy some sports or exercising at home?" She tried another tactic, hoping a subject on sport would entice him, judging by the fitness equipment in the building.

Jayden sat up straighter at her question and lifted his head to face her. His eyes were narrowed and they twitched as though he was contemplating the right remark, then said from the classic ones, "None of your business."

"Of course, it's my business." Maria expressed almost immediately, her voice sounding with restrained anger.

No reply came from him but the continuous tapping sounds made by his fingers against his cellphone.

"Mr. Stanley, could you please suspend whatever thing you are doing and pay me some attention?" Her fists clenched tightly on her bag seated on her lap with her toes curled furiously underneath her boots.

He snorted, throwing one leg over the other, and relaxed deeper into his seat. The volume of his cellphone got increased by him, purposely, and the audio transcription he was listening to was sounding loud across the room.

She heaved deeply and uttered a swear word under her breath before speaking loudly again. "Let's focus on your migraine and insomnia now, shall we?" She knew she was talking to herself but kept on going. "How long have you been suffering insomnia, Mr. Stanley?" she asked in a softer tone. "Has it become a habit since you started having migraines?"

"Yes." He replied for the first time, sounding with a low tone, an answer from him making her eyes shine with gratitude.

"Really?" She asked, her lips stretching with a sign of happiness, and enthusiastically picked up her own to jot down his complaints.

"I have suffered from sleepless nights ever since you got here." His words came through gritted teeth, expressing grave irritation.

Every ounce of happy seeds that had germinated in her heart instantly got uprooted by his statement. Her smile sagged until it disappeared to a slight frown at his statement. Was that supposed to hurt her or what? She could vividly remember how was sound asleep he was from the other day unless that was what she thought.

Maria was supposed to treat him for his headaches but she sensed if he kept up with his attitude, she would be as sick as he was. "Did your headache start after the coma or did you have the symptoms before the accident which ended up triggering it?" She wasn't ready to give up yet despite knowing their conversation was gradually turning into a monologue.

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