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The dining room of the VIP restaurant shone with its golden walls and chandeliers that hung from the high ceilings, lighting up the dark wood tables with their white cloths and red cutleries. The dim lighting added to the already impressive décor and the soft background music only served to enhance the elegant setting as the two families gathered around it.

Ashley grinned at the affectionate words Delia was showering on her, with her eyes glancing at Jayden now and then to keep track of his reaction which remained stoic.

"Ha, ha." The deep vibrating sounds of her father laughing made her turn back to face him and then blushed when she realized what he had said. "You don't think it's too young to marry them off?" He asked with a chuckle, raising one of his thick eyebrows.  

"Young? Back in our days, it is unheard of for people not to marry by this age." Delia spoke in an amused tone as she took her gulp from the wine glass placed before her.

Collins nodded in agreement before taking a glance at the silent young man beside her. "True, true. And you have a point there. But the times we live in now are different." He stated before directing his following words to Jayden, "...and as considerate parents, you both are allowed to choose whenever you want to get married. But do you have any plans regarding your marriage for now?" His voice held curiosity as he awaited a response.

All eyes slowly drove towards the supposed responder, his expression still void of any reaction. He merely sat on his chair like a mannequin, his gaze still fixed on the streaming wine that was flowing out of the golden glasses before him.

The long pause followed by an awkward clearing of the throat from his mother made him look up and notice the attention drawn to him. When his eyes met the inquisitive ones staring at him, he realized further he had been asked a question he had absentmindedly missed.

He unfolded his legs to lock his hands on the table as he sat upright, wondering what the cunning man needed from him. "I don't know." Jayden gave out the most general answer he was sure could be suitable for most questions, including the one that might have just been posed to him.

"You mean you are not thinking of marriage at the age of twenty-eight, especially as the family's first child?" Collins raised an eyebrow at the statement. "It is expected of you to become part of the line of succession, son. It is time."

Jayden's lips twitched in irritation but he remained calm when he felt the presence of another pair of eyes watching him with caution, and they were nothing but his mother's.

"Come on, Papa. Don't speak like that. I am willing to wait until he is ready." Ashley's voice rang through the room, squeezing her father's palm in an attempt to calm him down.

Collins smiled back at the loving gesture before answering, "As you wish, daughter. We shall respect your decision. Just promise us one thing." He turned his gaze to Jayden once again. "This marriage has to be done, son. This matter is not only about you two, your father and I both have a history together. And it will only make sense if our families join hands and become so indomitable."

The tone of the man's voice became more serious as he leaned forward, and Jayden could feel his patience fading away slowly, just by listening to what the old man was saying.

"Of course!" Delia quickly laughed out the tension growing between the two men in every passing second, restoring the mood of the table with the bright sounds of her laughter. "What's there to worry about? I can't think of a better wife for my son." She added before diving a forkful of steaming pasta in her mouth, smiling happily at Collins who easily became swayed by her words.

"Of course. They make such a beautiful couple." The man put in, his eyes gleaming with amusement when the other woman gave a short nod of agreement.

"Sweetheart," Delia called out, attracting Ashley's gaze immediately as the younger lady smiled at the pet name she was used to ever since childhood. "I am sure I invited Justin for tonight's dinner but he didn't show up." Her voice trailed off after her statement, leaving an obvious gap of questions to be answered. "Do you know why?"

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