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Her cell phone on the coffee table started buzzing, drawing her attention from the television screen. She picked up the device to find the call was from Dawn and a smile immediately appeared on her face.

"Hey," Maria answered softly while supporting the phone between her head and shoulder as she continued knitting the fabric in her hands, definitely a well-taught skill from her grandmother.

"Maria! He is getting indicted." Dawn stated excitedly, the happiness in her voice so clear it gave away how happy she was about the man's fate.

Maria couldn't help but feel some excitement as well and quickly turned the TV off. "Really? That's great!" She grinned happily.

"He has been found guilty of assault and stalking. The prosecutor is not taking things lightly since he is an ex-con, you know." Dawn informed her, making sure she was sharing every detail as though it were a movie she had just watched.

"Serves him right," Maria mumbled with a chuckle, and the knock on the door postponed her next words.

She lifted herself from the floor to find out who the visitor was, while still paying attention to her phone conversation. Her hand drew out to unlock the door before opening it and she wasn't a bit surprised to find Ted standing before her, his lips open with a bright smile.

Maria mouthed 'what are you doing here?' before heading back towards the couch where she sat down without a care, replying to a particular thing Dawn had said.

"But you know what is strange and funny? I heard Eric is having a tough time getting a lawyer. It seems like all of the attorneys are avoiding him." Dawn said with an amused tone, obviously enjoying the fact that the man was in trouble.

The words made her pause on her work, thinking carefully about what her friend had said. "Really?" Maria asked in surprise, wondering why such a thing was happening.

"Yeah. It's as if someone threatened all of them not to help him, someone with the upper hand, that's a joke though." 

Maria's brows squeezed slightly, dropping the scarf slowly down to her lap. She shuddered slightly when she remembered the menacing promises from both Justin and Jayden on the night of the incident.

What if it wasn't actually a joke and one of them was the reason why Eric couldn't get a lawyer?

"You okay?" Ted's question sounded above her, coming softly as he stared at the frozen expression on Maria's face. "Hey?" The guy's voice became a tad more concerned, causing her to shake her head to signal him that she was fine.

"Wow, really?" she replied to her caller instead, picking up her kits again.

"I guess even fate wants him back in jail." Dawn chuckled and Maria could almost feel her smile through the phone.

Her blue eyes found Ted heading away from her direction and she wondered if he had come to visit Grandma and not her.

"I will gladly testify as a witness on the day of the trial," Maria informed jokingly although she was cocksure and serious about her plan. She earned a short laugh from Dawn followed by the sound of shuffling items from the other side.

"Of course, you are also a victim," Dawn replied, the noise from her end growing gradually. "Gotta run, love. My dogs are having one of their crazy fights again!"

"Oh, that I can tell." Maria cracked with a chuckle. "Say hello to Timothy and Molly for me." She quickly added before the traditional goodbyes and then the call ended shortly.

Her smile immediately dropped flat when Ted's figure reappeared in the room. He held high a hanger that had a dark blue coat in his hand, causing her to immediately stand with a frown.

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