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He smiled to himself, drumming his fingertips eagerly against the refined table the moment one of his men announced that the documents he requested had been prepared.

"Here it is, sir." His secretary bowed slightly, stretching out a brown envelope that Justin received hastily as if there was an itch on his palms and the paper was the only cure to it.

"Every detail we could get about Ms. Patterson is in it. Her home address, occupation, age, education level, phone number, marital status, social media accounts, and email address. All the basics are in there, sir." The lady added, gesturing for him to open the folder and have a look at what he had gathered about her.

Justin breathed out deeply, satisfied with what his eyes were scanning. His attention was almost lost in the newly found information nearly forgetting his secretary was with him. His smile widened when he saw the phone number in digital black digits. 'Told you I was going to get your number one way or the other, dear pretty flower.' He thought, his eyes sparkling in delight and excitement.

His dark brows pulled with slight confusion to see her relationship status as single since he could vividly remember the other jerk spelling it to his face about how Maria was his date from the previous night. Call him shameless or anything, but his initial plan was to be a homwrecker, to steal Maria from the jerk and make her his. "What's her relationship with that jerk-- I mean, Stanley?"

"She works as his personal doctor, sir."

"I see, that dumbass definitely got me scared for a second there," Justin muttered more to himself. But whatever, the two were not dating and that was better for him. 'Now you can't run away, pretty flower', he added in his mind, his green eyes glinting with amusement as they roamed over the documents.


"I kissed a guy last night, Ted--"

The water spilling from his mouth due to shock went splashing right onto Maria's face, stopping her words in mid-sentence. His grey eyes enlarged, his astounded expression trying to confirm the truth in her words, while her hands wiped off the cold drops running down her face and neck.

"What?" Ted stammered, his jaw hanging down and his head tilting forward to express his deep frown.

"Hm, let me rephrase that," she cleared her throat, adjusting her strands. "A guy kissed me last--"

"That's not helping. You know what I mean by what." His tone was serious, and it made her feel nervous. She bit her lip before replying.

A heavy breath escaped her mouth before running her full fingers through her hair. "Jayden..." She breathed heavily, vibrations sounding deep in her throat, with her eyes avoiding his at the moment.

Silence walked between the spaces they sat across from each other in the mini-living room, the sound of the television loud in the atmosphere but these two best friends were too preoccupied to even notice.

As if he was being controlled, Ted slowly dropped the bottle of water and sat upright with his heels pressed together, his hands grabbing his ankles firmly. "...What happened?" According to their best friendship code of conduct, they always asked one another for a background story before jumping to conclusions. And judging by how Maria was acting right now, Ted guessed that something did happen last night.

But Maria shook her head, not because she didn't want to talk much about it or anything. It was simply because there was not a genuine background story like he wanted. She accompanied her billionaire patient to some party engulfed with similar classy people, got trampled on by some mannerless chic, and in the process of walking out of the scene, he came after her only to seal her lips with the most unexpected kiss. That was it. End of story.

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