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Light beamed into her eyes, coming from the open curtains and she slowly woke up. The sun's rays warmed her skin and she stretched her limbs, feeling fresh. Her head rolled against the pillow with the rest of her body consumed by a heavy blanket.

She had begun to wonder what grandmother could be doing in the house when her senses realized her surroundings did not look anything like her room, not to talk of her apartment.

Her back immediately jerked from the mattress and her vision surveyed the room with a protruding gape. She had only been there a couple of times but the room was still very much ingrained in her memory. It looked familiar; the wallpapers, the aquarium, the toy figures...

It took her a few seconds before she grasped the situation and realized she was in the extraordinary room of Jayden's.

Maria immediately shot up at that realization, kneeling on the bed with her wide eyes roaming across the large place. She sounded with a gasp and her gaze fell back on the crimson sheets.

She was confused about why she was in his place and how she had ended up on the bed of all the other furniture in the room. Way to go, Maria.

She grabbed some of her hair now falling loosely across her back and screwed her eyes shut to retrieve the needed memories that would create answers to her alarmed state.

Slowly, they came back, the asthmatic episode that led her to an exhausted state of slumber. She remembered how her health deteriorated and how Jayden had assisted her. The question concerning what she was doing in his room got solved as she recollected how he had carried her there and gave her an inhaler.

Every puzzle piece became fixed except for one.

How had she woken on the bed even when she could vividly recollect dozing off on the couch? Unless she had surprisingly sleep walked from the sofa and moronically trespassed into the man's bed. Because there was no way that heartless jerk--maybe not so heartless after saving her life but still--would have brought her here willingly, trying to make her sleep experience more comfortable. And there was no FREAKING way he had actually done that.

Her mind went in circles over it for quite a while before she finally shook herself. She pushed the blankets away completely and slowly rose from her bed. Her feet found her shoes and her brain hurt as she put them on, failing to remember when she had removed them.

She started walking around slowly, her eyes moving across the place and there was no sight of Jayden. She was not sure whether to be revived or not about that.

The tank of fish at the far end of the room became visible to her again, and she moved towards it with some excitement, almost forgetting her current predicament.

She approached the glass curiously and stared at the fishes with awe. A small school of them was swimming around freely. The water shone with glittering lights, their scales gleaming and glistening in it. It would be nice to own a tank like that in her apartment but her financial status would never permit that.

"Did you dream about fishes?" A voice startled her from behind, a really familiar one.

Maria turned swiftly to see Jayden walking into view and halted his feet to save some distance between them. She gave him a once-over, subconsciously, realizing his change of clothes. He wore an oversized hoodie and black pants, something she was getting used to and always made her wonder if he had a large collection of those pieces of clothing.

She cleared her throat, trying to find her tongue which was not very useful right now, "Uhm, no." How could she have any dream from rest so brief?

"Well, how was your five minutes' rest?" Jayden asked, his hands rising above his head to air quote the last three parts of his words.

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