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Jayden turned away from the full-length mirror once satisfied with his reflection. He strolled away, finding his way to his wristwatch collections carefully arranged in glass cases placed beside the dressing table.

His eyes scanned the wide range of watches on display, undecided on the choice between his various selections. Despite the number of options available, he felt unenthusiastic about the whole process. And the reason for his disinterest was obvious.

Out of the blues, the father of his arch-enemy had desired a private meeting with him. He had avoided visiting the company ever since he woke up but it seemed like his appearance today was unavoidable.

The ringing of the doors dissolved his thoughts, and he commanded the doors to open without taking his eyes off the timepieces. The footsteps echoed behind him after the doors shut before the visitor appeared at his side.

"Everything is set, sir." The voice of Daniel announced to him, his assistant returning from an errand.

Jayden maintained his silence, taking his time to pick out a watch among the multiple choices. It was a silver model that gleamed under the lights of the room, its face engraved with black writing. His gaze traveled over the timepiece without showing any sign of impressiveness.

"It is time for you to go now, but, however, the doctor has arrived," Daniel spoke again when he noticed Jayden did not answer.

Even the mention of his doctor didn't move him to speak. Instead, he continued to study the watch intently, turning the dial gently with his thumb. After a while, when he finally did speak, it was concerning a different topic he felt more important. "My watches are getting out of taste. I need new ones."

"S-Sir?" Daniel stammered, unable to follow Jayden's line of thought for the first few seconds. "Oh, your watches." He quickly added when a blank stare was thrown at him. "Understood, sir. I will visit your favorite brand as soon as possible and ask about their newest models." He assured, having no doubt that Jayden would reject the suggestion.

Jayden nodded simply, dismissing the issue as he wore the watch around his left wrist, with his discontent expression remaining unchanged. "I will be attending the meeting." He voiced later on.

"What about the doctor?"

"Tell her to wait." He did not wait to hear Daniel reply before turning around, aiming for the desk placed in another corner of his room.


A strong exotic scent penetrated the air, hitting her nostrils and her senses immediately found it familiar. She followed the source until her eyes found the lofty figure walking down the hallway.

Her lashes blinked instinctively at the sight before her, noticing the unusual attribute accustomed to him. Dressed in an all-black suit that adorned his lean form, she couldn't help but find his appearance similar to his look at the night of Ashley's party. Only this time, he looked even better than before, and his confidence was also noticeable by the way he always held himself.

Maria realized she had been gawking disrespectfully at him and quickly rose from her seat. "Mr. Stanley," she cleared her throat, activating her doctor's mode as Jayden stopped a few inches away from her. "Are you going somewhere?" She couldn't deny her curiosity. Her blue gaze gave him a once-over one more time, observing his changed hairstyle.

"Yes, and you are coming with me." Jayden declared bluntly, his attitude matching the tone of his statement.

Her lashes flickered instinctively. "Huh?" Maria questioned, feeling slightly baffled at the unexpected invitation. "To-to where?"

A maid walked in, distracting everyone's focus and they both watched her hand over a briefcase to Daniel who was standing nearby. The two workers left, and Jayden returned his eyes back to his doctor in a way that expected her to repeat her question.

"Sir, which of the cars would you like to take?" Daniel rushed back with his question, stealing the moment once again. "The SUV, the limo, the--"

"Limousine," Jayden responded without hesitation, with his eyes not leaving the doctor, and she stared back at him with the same intensity, her lips parted slightly with confusion.

"Which of the Limousines, sir?" Daniel furthered, making sure every want of his boss was thoroughly settled.

Maria fought back an eye-roll at the man's persistence, finding their conversation unnecessary. It wouldn't hurt if they just picked any damn car and hit the road, right?

"The newest model," Jayden answered curtly, and Daniel nodded immediately in understanding.

Her eyes followed the assistant until he disappeared out of the room before taking them back to Jayden. "You mentioned going to a place. Where is--?" She quickly asked before another interruption came in.

"Let's go," he cut her off as though she never spoke, turning around to resume his track.

"Hey, I am asking where to." She called out from behind him, refusing to move.

His steps halted slowly and turned to face her, looking straight into her eyes as he replied, "You are my personal doctor, right?"

Her expression went blank without the slightest idea of where he was coming from. "Yes, of course. But what does that have to do with our discussion?"

"I'm going to the office and I will be needing all my personals." He stated plainly.

She frowned in confusion, not following his reasoning. "Personals?"

"My personal assistant, personal driver, personal bodyguard, and personal doctor. Personals? Get it now, dummy?" His voice grew impatient as he spoke. "And if I recall correctly, you are my personal doctor."

Her frown deepened even further with utter confusion. "But what is my business with your office?"

He inhaled heavily before responding, clearly showing his frustration. "I'm going for a meeting I wish to avoid. I might lose my temper or fall sick." He groaned, finding her inquisitiveness annoying.

"Th- that still does not explain why I should come with you to your office. It is not reason enough for me to do that."

"You signed a contract to always be there whenever I need you." He said. "So, I am taking you to my company because that is where I need you for now."

"Co-Company?" She stammered, the realization of what he was asking of her finally registering in her mind.

He ignored her words, deciding to stop giving away explanations that he didn't owe her. She was meant to do his bidding, he was paying her for that after all. "Let's go, no more questions." He ordered and she immediately disagreed with a violent headshake.

"But-but I have tons of them..."

Her voice trailed off when he stepped closer and grabbed her arm, dragging her towards the elevator. "You are coming along. You are yet to pay for your sins."

His last statement made Maria gasp. Was he ever going to let that go? "What? But I went to that stupid party to pay for the stupid sin. What more do you want from me? How many times do I have to pay?" Her voice trembled like someone on the verge of crying. It made him wonder what was so scary about the company.

"Nope. That time you were paying for sleeping on my bed. You are yet to pay for pushing me into the pool." He replied, leading the both of them towards the elevator against her will.

Maria released a sigh as the elevator doors came into contact, locking them inside the machine. "Jerk," she grunted under her breath in defeat.

Jayden heard her muttered words but couldn't care less. All that mattered was that she was coming with him, whether she liked it or not. The only thing that concerned him currently was Mr. Walters, because that man was a living nuisance. 


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